Chapter 3: Meeting the team and the alliance

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 In the plane

Clay sat off to the side on his own in thought while we watched from the side line. He held his phone close as he watched a photo

"Who's that?" I asked

"The others, Marco and Soraya Perry, Astrid Sawyer..." He smiled "All of us... in a better time..."

"Better times?"

"Out of this photo six of the original members have been killed."

"Which ones?"

"Soraya, Celeste, Nolan, Nyssa, Magnus and Euphemia." He replied pointing at the three "They has been 1, 4, 7, 9, 23 and 32."

"What's with the numbers?"

"We didn't use our names just number." Clay replied "When you meet your kids they'll have a hard time adjusting to their names because for some it'll be the first time they've heard it in years."

On the tarmac, a woman stood with twin kids who looked to be either 7 or 8 at her side, Clay face lit up seeing them and he was quicker to walk out on to the tarmac

"Daddy!" The girl screamed taking off towards him with her brother only seconds behind, both of them jumping on to him he and quickly scooped them up one in each arm

"Hey, miss me?" Clay asked as they both nodded and the woman walked up

"Welcome home..."


"She still running."

"Wanna going to see mummy.... aye kiddos..." Clay asked and both nodded

Clay handed the kids to the woman who walked over to with them, she smiled taking them both and Clay dropped a kiss on to both of their heads before walking over and standing in the middle of the track

A woman could be seen a bit further on the track, she was running with her earphones in and she looked up seeing Clay who had stood in the middle of the track with his hands in his pocket as he smiled towards her. When she saw him she returned the smile with a glowing one of her own as she pushed herself and Clay took out his hands getting ready as she jumped on him legs around his torso while her arms wrapped around his neck and she laughed leaning her head against his

"Missed me huh?" He teased while she gave a watery laugh as she nodded

"Mummy!" The boy yelled wiggling from the woman grip to join the hug with his sister moments behind both of them hugging their fathers leg till their mother got down picking up Sebastian while Clay took Aurelia

In the room

"We need to find out who did this?" Ray replied

"We know who did this." 2/ Marco Perry replied "And right now, we're trying to deal with it."

"Who?" Blackburn asked looking at them "We can help..."

"His an American contractor..." 4/Astrid Sawyer stated as she walked the table handing out files before going back to her seat next to Trent

"This is Alan Cutter, he is an American contractor here in Afghanistan." Astrid started

"We know who he is..." Mandy cut her off

"We know, what you don't know is that your friend Steve Porter found a type of miniral when he was out on mission, he went to a person he thought he could trust..." Marco replied directing them to the second file "This is one Amy Nelson. Mr Porter asked Nelson to ask test the sample and it was revealed that sample contained the elements in the region. That region could make him thousands."

"So he with the help of one Mr Nouri Halani... and no not the one your thinking off." Marco replied pointing the pen he'd been playing with at Mandy "Mr Halani payed out bomber artist Aresh kamal for masterpiece that almost took out both team..."

"Both teams?"

"Oh yea your little artist almost took us out as well." Another woman asked

"And you are?"

"I'm 6." Erika replied "We also know that your copper buddy Salim Hakan."

"What we also know thanks to little Huxley..." Another woman smiled patting the dog that was jumping on her while the others laughed and cheered


"Huxley here is our explosive dog...." Clay explained

"But prior to that he was trained to detect Narcotics." The woman explained "Oh and it's 5."

"Okay so what does Narcotics have to do with anything?" Blackburn asked

"Mr Kamal was payed with the bricks of Heroine." A man replied "7. The brick here are whole at least 10 grand, give or take and that just here if you were to sell this back in America your looking at high 6 figures."

"Okay, can you trace them..."

"Back to the source, already done." Another one replied pushing up his glasses "8, because of the chemical compound we we're able to trace the amount of opium in heroine to a Poppy farm 20 klicks west of Jalabad otherwise known as J-Bad."

"We did some research and found out that 2 months ago that field was raided by an American task force." He stated going through to pull out a paper "Here it is, the Operation was designed to attack Talibans revenue in the area."

"It wasn't the only field to be burned in that operation." Erika commented "It doesn't help that the team that was targeted was also the one to burn it."

"Why didn't you suspect drug dealer?" Ray asked

"We investigated that theory but it was quick discounted." Another woman replied "10. Sorry I'm late, kids just would not go to sleep."

"We've all been in that situation." Marco sympathized "I catch you up afterwards."

"Thanks." She smiled

"Kids?" Sonny asked

"Oh right, my kids Winter, Kayla and Aria." She replied

"We've got the location of there bank as well as Mr Nouri location." 5/Andromeda (Andy) replied "So what our play?"

"Right now, I'm thinking 10 goes with 2, enter through the front of the building and 8 drive up with 7 and 6 in the back, 6 will fire and 7 will work the hatch."

"The moment you get him the bottom floor will be swarming..." Mandy replied

"That's why we go up. Take our gear head to the top of the building and properly down and into the hatch of the vehicle. Then 8 will tear off and we'll take out the following cars." Marco replied finishing Andy thought and both fist bumping each other

"Your not doing this without us..."

"We're faster."

"Still." Jason replied

 Eric POV:

"Fine." My daughter replied "I take two members with me and the rest follow in another vehicles. But stay out of way."

"Ray and Blackburn will ride with you." Jason replied

"Actually 10 switch out with 4." Elara replied

"Got it." She replied

"Get ready." Elara ordered getting up and leaving with others following behind

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