Chapter 37

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Imogen dream

Nobody's POV:

Sunlight streamed through the window, stirring with the sunlight Imogen woke up to see Magus

"Hello beauty..." He greeted

"I've miss you." She smiled "So, so much."

"I've missed you too." He replied getting up holding out his hand "Come on sweetheart... I've got something to show you."

"Where are we going?" She asked as he lead her to the beach

"Come on." He smiled "Trust me."

Leading her to the water then stood as a wave came crashing down, Imogen preparing for the water, closing her eyes as she held him tightly as she waited for the water but it never came

"Open your eyes." He whispered "Everything's okay."

She opened her eyes to find herself to see herself in Kyoto, Japan over looking the garden

"What are we doing here?"

"You always wanted to see the gardens." He replied "Let's take a walk."

They walked in silence, her arm linked in his while they walked up

"You can't stay."

"I don't want to go." Imogen replied


"Can we just be here." She asked quickly cutting off "Can we just stay here in this moment."

"If I let you, you'd never wake up."

"So let me stay, we can be together." Imogen smiled turning to him, her hands gently cupping his cheeks "Just like we we're suppose too. Nothing in between us."

"But there is something between us... Imogen I'm died you holding tight to a memory and refusing to move on."

"I don't want to lose you, I can't not again."

"You can't lose me, I'm already your past."

"No, no I don't believe that." Imogen panicked

"Shh.... calm down." He replied "I'm not leaving you. Close your eyes."


"One last trip, you and I." He smiled "Just one more."

Closing her eyes, she opened them again to see them on the beach on the hill looking to see a man and a woman running into the water

"Who are they?"

"You don't recognize them...." He asked "Look close..."

"No.... am I suppose too?"

"Look closely at them." He smiled just as the woman turned revealing her face

"Freya...." She breathed as she watched over them and the boy turned "Magnus..."

They stood together watching them when they saw another woman walk over playing with them

"Magnus finds love."

"No... at least not with her...."

"Then who is she?"

They kicked water at each other, playing when she turned

"That is their sister...." He replied "You named her Morgana."


Magnus smiled looking over her

"In this reality, you move on and the twins grow up with their mother and you... you move on and give them a beauty sister."

"What the alternative..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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