Chapter 15: Helpful history

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 "The boys were premmies and we were sure they would survive but Astrid won't give up she spend all her time there, she had to have food brought to her, she slept in the more uncomfortable chair, on the floor or where ever she had fallen asleep for a month, only spending a few hours with Jasper, Soraya and Nyssa in the room to make sure she could keep an eye on the boys. Both boy had problems with getting infections that stopped visitation for the three kids. They had feeding problebms that cause me worry because of how under weight they could get."

"Astrid seems like a good woman."

"We're lucky we got her in our family." Steven commented with a smile

"We lucky we're got each other." Becca smiled tapping his shoulder to hand him a glass

"Yea but those three members are absolutely amazing." Lulu replied looking between Elara who was cuddled with Clay and holding Bailey with their little Bash cuddling close with her arms around him. She leaned down to place a kiss on Bash head as he shifted in his sleep to get closer, she ended up handing Bailey to Clay who held the him while she pick Bash up and sat him on her lap. Both his legs around her waist while she had her arms around his waist and he rest his head against her collarbone while she ran her fingers through his hair gently soothing him to sleep.

Astrid had Soraya sleeping in her lap wrapping her right arm around her to keep her steady while she used her free hand to sooth Jasper who had decided that he wanted to use her leg as a pillow. She smiled looking at both with so much love you'd never actually not no she wasn't the birth mother. She looked at them with so much admiration, devotion and love.

Becca stood at the kitchen window overlooking the garden where she watched Johnny play with Callista spinning her around and throwing her up in the air, both smiling and laughing, before Johnny cuddled her close and pointed to Becca who smiled and waved. Callista laughed at with her father as they looked at her, Becca smiled and blow them a kiss and they went back to playing

"I hope I'll be half as good a mother they are." Lulu commented

"Your doing great." Becca assured "Plus not all parents have the same style."

"We're you scared?"

"Still am, I get scared every time Callista falls, every time she sick and I thought it was stupid and just me but Astrid gets it to, so does Elara." She smiled "I got something for you by the way."


"Yep, just give me a second." She walked outside and the next thing we saw was Astrid rush in with a smile

"Come on, we need to get your hair done and you makeup..." She smiled before looking to the boys "Oh and we need to pick out a uniform for both you handsome boys."

"Steven." Marco smirked throwing an arm around him and pulling him away with the help of Xavier. Before we could move Clay came rushing past grabbing one of the jackets and an outfit from the closet holding out for Elara who smiled thankful at him before rushing off to change as others went to do the same. Becca turned the outside lights on and multiple members came out all were different variations of a leather jackets but the same things stayed the same each jacket held a number one the right side of their chest. The back held a number but each had a different design for them. Elara had the number one with a winter wolf design around it, Artemis had the name 43 with an archery kit and a wolf.

"Calm down would you." Kenzi laughed as one of the rookies, Nicolette Montgomery smiled as she got ready

"We finally get our jackets Kenzi." She laughed

Everyone was ready and waiting outside, Evie held on to Street arm leaning against him smiling, Marco stood with Astrid, Becca, Clay and a few others up the front jackets in the hands of members like Teresa, Aiden, Kai, etc...

"For all of the newer ones here, each member wears a jacket, the number represents our family as a unit and help solidify the position as one of the family and the decorate that surround your number signify your individual personality." Marco started

"Wearing the jackets are a previlage and an honour, those around you may not understand but for you the jacket is physical reminder that you are part of our family." Astrid replied

"My predecessor was Celeste, the former number 1 she had the idea that we should have a physical to hold on to so she came up with jackets, the jackets represent who you but also serve as a remind of the people who will always be your family and always no matter what have your back."

"Lee-Henry Herrmann aka 50." Astrid smiled and Teresa stepped up with a jacket in her hands

"Steve Beale aka 51." She called and Kai came up helped him with the jacket and congraulating her

Becca had come down and slipped in beside me "Hey..."


"Sorry I know this is strange but Lulu going to be receiving her jacket soon and I was wondering if you wanted to present it to her." She smiled before turning to Syed "And if you didn't mind would you present Nancy's one?"


"We'll do it." Syed smiled holding my hand "Both of us."

"Good cause Nancy's up next."

"Nancy Masood aka 53."

Syed went up to hand out the jacket caught Nancy by surprise, she stood smiling and turned to so that Syed could help slip it onto her shoulders, I got to go up for Lucy standing at the front with her jacket. Lucy went to walk up stopping and smiling as she saw me

 Syed POV:

Lucy beamed up at Christian as she walked up, so much happiness and pride walking up, Imogen held CJ and I held Sebby. Lucy got to the front smiling before turning so that Christian could help her into her new jacket the whole time she wore a bright smile and other members watched on with pride. Pulling her hair from under the jacket. She turned almost running down the stairs to little Sebby and CJ

"Mummy got her jacket, ya!" Imogen cheered with the toddler gently bouncing him "We're so proud!"

"Congrats sis." Nancy smiled hugging her

"I've got my jacket." Lucy cheered

"I saw."

"Thank you so much." Lucy smiled rushing to hug Christian

"I'm glad I can help." He replied

"I got my jacket, what do you think?" She asked twirling once

"Fits you perfectly." I replied

Naomi was the first to come up and hug her

"Congrats, well done Nancy." She smiled and we continued to watch

The next up was Kenzi and her sister, Astrid walked down to Henry offering the jacket which he took with a small smile while another man Angus handed Anna one to Frank who nodded

"Mackenzie Reagan aka 42." Elara called while Marco stood on the last step offering his hand to her, she smiled giving him a small nod of thanks going up, she looked surprise to see Henry but quickly recovered when he held the jacket open for her

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