Chapter 28

16 0 0

 At the airport

"4." One of the woman smiled as she rushed to greet Astrid "I'm so glad your here."

"Of course." Astrid replied smiling "You guys called."

"We thought you might be busy."

"Never, when it comes to family, everyone has time." Astrid stated "So what's going on?"

"16, foster brother got into some trouble and called him... I'll explain on the way...."

At the base

Astrid walked in quickly passing off her bag to do the quick meet and greet with the family before slipping in between the Wolfe-Delko twins 85 and 86 as well as 56. Who were quick to make room for her

"So his brother got involved with this drug ring and now 16 messed up with it?"

"Trying to get his brother out." 8 commented

"So what is it?"

"Heroine, coming in by bulk..."

"Late!" Clay called out as a woman raced into the room

"Yea sorry..."

"Glad you decided to join us...." Erika commented dryly


"Cause that make up for it."

"Enough... 86 why were you late?"

"My father decided to turned of my phone."

"So you didn't turn your phone off?"

"Absolutely not." She was quick to defended "I would never perposally ignore a call."

"Hope not. Just make sure it never happens again."

"I assure you, it'll never happen again." She stated

"Now back to the topic at hand?"

"If we take out the shipment they'll suspect Street." Rory warned

"His right, Streets the new kid on the block their no trust between them." Astrid commented

"We need to get the heroine off the streets, the bar owner and the importer has no problems with selling, his been selling to anyone and everyone. Last known was a gang call the Jackals."

"So we're rolling up on them?"


"Ripping." Erika and the girl of the twins called "Aye!"

"We're back." She laughed while Astrid ducked down as they high five and cheered hugging, Erika resting her arm around her shoulder "Aye! Woah!"

"We get the girls are back." Theo playfully commented

"Now that offences on so many levels." Ziva called out as she walked in

Both took of running to greet Ziva and Naomi, grabbing them in a hug grabbing Evie on the way

"Squad 3! Woah!"

"And with the interruption over with." Elara stated "Anyone got any ideas apart from ripping?"

"Drop, rip." Ziva stated

"Hell yea." Naomi replied "We can take them out them game before they get taken out."

"We can do recovery." Buck replied

"Absolutely, 25, 38 and 79, paramedics. 6, 39, 41 and 43 rival bangers."

"41 and I will take the shots while 39 and 43 clean the truck..."

"We're gonna need a few more hands."

"Good things we brought backup huh?" Kai called as he walked in with their team, wrapping his free arm around Leia, who turned to greet Koda and Luana.

"Hello handsome..." Erika cooed "Wanna come to aunty."

"Oh thank god my arms killing me." Kai commented stretching out his arm

"Still not comfortable with his grandpa..."

"Oi! Still young to be a grandpa!" Danno and Steve commented

"He didn't want his mum to leave actually."

"Still mama's boy." Ziva smiled

"Speaking of which am I gonna get my son back anytime soon?"

"No and as for you..." Erika turned to Kai "You should of told us, you were bring the kids."

"Okay let's go!" Ziva called

"On it." Diana replied as they all ran off to change properly

Buck, Naomi, Valentina and Tempest dresses as Paramedics while the others dresses as a rival gang pulling up their mask

"Why do they always get to have the fun." Tempest smirked

"We get the job done." Diana smirked blowing kisses as she walked out towards the cars "Damn..."

"Nice, we're using dodges." Valentina replied

"Oh this is going to be fun." Camilla smirked high fiving her sister

"Should I be worried?" Ryan asked as he held his grandson while his free hand held to his granddaughter and Delko held another of their grandsons.

"Maybe." She replied hooking her cap to her belt as she walked to her little boy in his arms "Come here Mi Amor.... oh..."

She held the boy tightly smiling at him before opening her free hand for her two kids

"Mummy going to work, you be good for grandpa yea... Love you..." She cooed kissing cheek before handing him back "Bye bye my darlings..."

"God that makes me feel old." Wolfe complained as he watched Camilla say bye to her three and Valentina said bye to her two

"Let's go to the scene." Elara replied

 At the scene

In the intersection, Elara, Marco and Clay took the high guard over looking the spot while car came speeding towards them

"Alright, let's get this show on the road." Marco commented

"Group 1 you are a go." Elara told the team as 4 motorcycles came up from behind with 2 cars coming behind them. 2 of the motorcycles pulled in behind the car firing while the other two motorcycles forced the car into the counter. Street and Nate where the first to step out of the car going for they're weapons but Erika was faster taking them both out while the other car pulled up taking out the heroine and throwing it into the bags

 At the base

"Your on." Esme called out to Kai who had 2 computers set up and head phone on him

"Green, we're a go!" Kai called out as a 9-1-1 call came in after he had patched into the system, he was quick to finish up with the call as 'Police' and 'Paramedics' arrived at the scene

At the scene

The two ambulance rolled up with a police car following behind and Sgt Grant (Athena) behind them, quickly loading Street and Nate into the ambulances

In Streets Ambulance

"Damn it that still hurts." Street groaned

"Should be more careful huh?" Valentina replied slamming him with enough pressure to hurt but not damage

"Ah. Harsh." Street complained

"Your luck it's not just 6 instead." Naomi warned from the front seat "Now she might've killed you in her instead of shot you."

"She's right about that." Valentina smirked

At the hospital

Street and Nate were classified as died and taken to the morgue where the changed before slipping out the back door and into a waiting car

"Bro who the hell are these people?" Nate asked

"Friends and family." Street replied

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