Chapter 24

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At the hospital all the kids were split up and examined

"What's your name?" Choi asked Erika

"6, six." She replied rolling her eyes as rest her head on her hand

"Real name?"

She gave him a look

"Given name?"

She looked at him before he called me

"They forget sometimes." I replied "They're so use to be addressed as numbers..."

"That a dangerous mentality that they are in right now, one has already gone down..." Dr Charles commented as he looked behind me to one of the rooms where 'Teresa' was being held in her, she was weak she had passed out the moment her family was safe in the hospital, her son Orion was being entertained with some of the boys and Astrid

Herrmann POV:

I sat beside Cindy as we sat near the bed to Teresa who was still unconcussion, her hand open and at her side palm up as an IV stuck out of her arm, her head was tilted to the side with her eyes closed as she rested, she was so pale.

"She'll be okay." Cindy smiled as she looked at Teresa "She's a fighter..."


"Christopher, it's okay." She smiled "We've got another daughter and our first grandchild. I'm not thrilled at the age."

"Thank you." I smiled feeling tears glistening in my eyes

"Hi, sorry to interrupt." '4' greeted as she walked in handing us cups of coffee and some sandwiches "10 went to make some food. May I?"

She gesture to the file and we nodded as she took a look

"It looks good."

"Really?" Cindy peered up

"Yea it looks like her blood count is rising...." She trailed off before another member walked in


She looked up before putting the file down and excusing herself to go to our grandson

"Lyra..." Teresa breathed with a soft smile as she began to stir awake looking at us as we watched her little boy

"What?" I asked

"Lyra... that was.... his name... had he had been... a girl...." She smiled before extending her hand towards him "Orion..."

"Mummy's calling you." 4 commented to the boy as she couched down behind me, Orion looked and saw his mother and went racing towards her

"Mummy!" He smiled as he tried to climb on to the bed

"Careful." Bianca warned gently as she picked him up but instead of putting him on the bed she sat him on Cindy surprising us all "Is this alright?"

"Of course." Cindy rushed holding him tight to keep him balance while he smiled

"Hi Mummy..."

"Hello darling..." She smiled running her hand through his hair "Have you been good for your Uncle..."

"We had ice cream and went to the park and I got to play on the swings..." He told her smiling the whole time "Can you come to the park tomorrow? Please mummy? Please?"

"Your mother has to heal first." Dr Charles smiled as he walked in "And who is this little one?"

"Orion." He smiled as he stumbled over his name

"Orion Christopher Lee-Henry Herrmann." Teresa smiled "Orion why don't you play with Aunt... she won't be long..."

"Does she have a mission..."

"Yea." She smiled

"I may just bring you a souvenir or two." Astrid smiled "We may even go and see Aunt 66 in Netherlands and your other aunties and uncles."

"Can we go to the park while your here auntie?"

"Oh sweetie I wish I could but I've got to go soon." She replied "Maybe next time."

"Maybe they can take you to the park tomorrow." She offered as Orion started to tear up

"Of course." Cindy smiled "And we can get lunch and ice cream sandwiches."

"Can Uncle 50 come too?" Orion asked

"Of course, sweetie." Cindy agreed and Orion ran off to tell his Uncle who stood around from us in another room, Lee-Henry was quick to pick him up putting him in his lap while talking to Dr Halstead

We left and stood in the waiting room while Dr Charles spoke to Teresa, '4' was standing with '2' his arms around her waist as he leaned against the wall, his right hand was holding the phone to his ear while his left was wrapped around Astrid shoulder their hands entwined. He was focusing on his call while she was daydreaming before she gently tugged his hand getting his attention and talking to him, he dropped his arm and she came over to us

"I apologize, I didn't mean to make plans for you..." 4 apologized

"Actually we should be thanking you." Cindy smiled "We haven't been able to get to know them or get close to them and this gives a chance.. to have our family whole."

"I'm glad I could help then." She smiled

"4 let's go." '1' called as she walked out "Time!"

The others rushed to follow behind keeping up while talking about the next mission, their parents looking beat

"Bye Orion." She smiled waving at him while Lee-Henry held the boy

"Bye Auntie." He smiled

"Wait.." Cindy called "Why don't you come back to ours have something to eat before going to the next mission?"

They looked unsure but '4' sent us a smile before rushing off to '2' who knew she was up to something and talking to him in French

"S'il te plaît Marco, c'est juste le dîner et nous avons encore du temps, et nous devrons de toute façon manger quelque chose." She spoke (Please Marco, it's just dinner and we still have time, plus we're gonna have to get something to eat anyway)

He looked unsure but rolled his eyes seeing the look she gave him

"Bien." He replied (Fine)

"Great, so where we going?" '4' smiled at us

"We've got Molly's we can go there."

At Molly's it was quiet till '4' spotted the piano

"Do you mind?" She asked pointing it

"Of course not." Cindy replied quickly

"Look at the stars, my darling baby boys..."

"Life is strange and vast.." Elara replied picking up the note as the others came smiled singing along and Orion fell asleep

"That beautiful." Cindy replied "Where'd you learn that song?"

'1' replied "One of our friends use to sing it to us where we couldn't sleep."

"What happened, if you don't mind me asking?"

"It was Nyssa and she died."'1' replied "She one of the fallen."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Cindy apologized

"It's fine, it helps plus the song is one of the lullabies we use for the kids." Astrid replied "Do you mind holding Orion."

"Of course."Cindy replied as she took him

"Times up." Erika reminded gently

"We got to go now huh?"

"If we wanna get him." She commented

Marco handed the guitar to me before offering his hand and helping '4' up gently guiding her out with the team following

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