Chapter 6

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 In the gym

Trent POV

She is was doing some exercises

"I'm doing wall climbs." She stated as she got on to the top of the wall turning to look down "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Can I talk to you."

"Stairs at the back." She replied pointing behind her

At the top

"Why did you help Echo?"

"I had a concussion." She replied "Wasn't thinking straight."

"That doesn't work on me does it on any other..."

"Depends on who, ones that know you it doesn't work on." She replied "Is that what you wanted to talk about?"

"No, I wanted to say thank you for fighting for Echo."

Astrid just shrugged

"I know we don't get along and I've only just stepped into your life but do you think that maybe you could give me a chance?" I asked "I would really like to?"

"I guess I do want to see my brother more often." She replied and we started to talk

Inside the kitchen

Ray POV:

A man walked in with a woman, he had his arm around her shoulder as she leaned against him

"Hey 16, 18." Clay greeted

"Morning 3." The woman

"This is?" Jason asked

"Jim Street, a member of SWAT. His wife...."

"Evelyn-Rose Street." She replied holding out her hand "Nice to meet you."

"You too." We replied

"Why's 17?" I asked

"Lucy Bradford, she married to a cop and technically rookie cop." Clay replied

"And now to get back home to my husband." She smiled as she walked in "I can't wait to get back."
"I can..." Street stated "I get back to go and tell your father my colleague that I married his unknown kid."

"Well if it helps, we're going on to the plane this afternoon." Blackburn replied

"Seriously that soon?" Evelyn asked "I thought we had more time so that we could handle our contacts and get out mission finished."

"Clay when was this discussed?"

"It hasn't been." He growled "They have things to do here."

"What if we included the team into our ops, that way you can see us the whole time." He offered "We do need to deal with the situation thou."

"I agree, we can't pack up and leave, we have to many ops to complete." Evelyn replied

"How long will it take?"

"If we had 2 weeks we can do it but it means we'd have to do at least 3 ops during one night and at least 1 in the daylight."

"How long if we do 2 a night."

"A month at least." She replied

After the month we knew a lot more about the children and they began to trust us more. Elara even allowed Jason to lead her team in an op and then it was time to go home. Marco was in his bunk looking at the bed

"Ready to go."

"We waiting for one last person?"


"Rory Rodriguez." He replied

"Where's he been the whole time?"

"Been in J-Bad getting one last piece of intel."

A car rolled up and Clay helped guide it into the plane as it was one of the last to be loaded

"20." Clay greeted as the person got out of the car there face covered up

"Nice of you to join us Mr Rodriguez." Mandy yelled

"That is offence in so many ways." The person replied taking off the wrap around their face revealing a girl "Let me guess Rory instantly a boy right?"

"Your a girl?"

"Yea, Aurora Rodriguez-Quinn." She greeted "Rory for short."

"Sonny meet your daughter." Clay replied pointing at her "And you, your late, you didn't call in or anything."

"I'm aware." She replied "I got to get another lead on some fresh intel and it was easier to get from where I was at."

"No check in?"
"If I did you would make me wait for backup."

"She's my kid?" Sonny asked

"Yep, one of them?"

"Azumi, Rebekah, Aurora and Nicholas."

"Azumi? Rebekah?"

"Yea their currently in the US which reminds me I should propably make sure their not coming here." He shrugged

"Yes! Now!" I yelled getting him to his feet "Come on. All of them are to stay on US soil."


"Shut it now." Clay warned Rory who just smirked before taking the stat phone Lisa held out to him

"3 to all member, 3 to all members." He called through twice "This is a priority Alpha Red announcement, I repeat this is a priority announcement."

In, instant the frequency was clear and you could hear people breathing as they waited for the announcement. Clay looked over to Elara.

"What are you waiting for?" Jason asked looking from Clay to his daughter "Elara?"

She nodded giving him the go a head and he nodded before going back to the phone

"This is 3, all members are now under a restriction. All members are not to be exit the country, those that are currently out of the country and to report back. All members are under a code Silver restriction and are to report from duty to Naval Base Virginia. I repeat all members to Naval Base Virginia."

"Copy that." A member came back on the phone

"Clear, heading towards zone now." Another came through and more assures that they heard and were heading down were flooding through the phone

"How many people are on the team?"

"We have about 30 to 60 members available." Clay replied

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