Chapter 25

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In Virginia

Blackburn POV:

The team blow through customs and went straight to the air plane waiting on the tarmac to take us to Afghanistan

"Try and get some sleep while you can, we're on the moment we touch down." Elara reminded

Clay fell asleep in one of the seats lying down, Elara fell asleep on top of him, head against his chest listening to his heart beat. Erika fell asleep in the one of the cars laying across the back seat. Huxley's cage was up in the truck bed strapped down and Andy was curled up beside it asleep as she used her bag as a pillow and her jacket covering her as a blanket. Marco had been seat down and had his arm around Astrid who fell asleep leaning against him. Nick had his bag under his head as he crept under the table using it as cover as he fell asleep, Theo was sitting on the floor with files surrounding him as he leaned against the chairs. Kyra was laying on the chair he was leaning against, Esme decided to jump into the front side of the car Erika was asleep in while Jac slippeed into trailer bed with her brothers, Stefan was sitting in the front with one knee folded up and Jac using him as a pillow while he read through files. Azumi, Rory, Imogen and Lucas all were going throught equipment, Lucas went through his weapons checking to ensure they didn't need to be cleaned, Imogen went through the comms system checking that they all worked while Rory and Azumi went through a checklist seeing if everyone had all there equipment. Someone would get up gently waking Elara who only turned to see the file, after sometime she wake up properly getting off Clay but letting him continue sleeping while she got up to the work on the files. She looked over to him every know and then to see him still there and sleeping shifting slightly

Jason and Mandy had gone off to a counter to talk

Nobody POV:

Jason stood in the counter leaning down towards Mandy while they spoke

"Jason you should talk to her."

"I've tried, but after the convestation with Alana she went to Clay and the only time she'll speak to me is with him around." Jason replied "She won't even acknowledge me without anything to do with missions."

"Jason, she's your daughter and right now she thinks you don't even care."

"So what do you suggest?"

"Start off slowly, see if she needs help with missions. Start from there and work your way up." Mandy replied

Jason agreed leaning down to kiss Mandy before walking towards Elara who had moved back so that she leaned against the cabin of the truck, going over a few things, her hair held in a bun by a pen as another sat in her hand as she leaned over using a flashlight to see the writing

Ray POV:

Jason came back walking towards Elara

"Hey..." Jason greeted as Elara looked up


"I was wondering if you need a hand with that?"

"Clay said you didn't like paperwork."

"Don't but figure we have time."

Elara just gestured to the empty space and he sat

"This looks like a lot of work..."

"It is, we've got hundreds of CI's stationed everywhere so we've got to be on game and ready to move to any locations."


"We've got safe houses everywhere, there not the most welcome of places but they've got basic needs."

"This says hostage situation?" Jason replied holding out the document

"Thanks, I need Erika signature for that."


"It was a solo operation but she somehow ended up with Clay in it..." She looked up looking over at us "Actually I believe you we're involved."

"Excuse me?"

"Yea, hostage was one..." She flipped through the pages "Is one Stacey Marshall, abducted April 10 2016 South Sudan, she was Erika primary target, secondary was the capture or kill of Abu Samir."

"Capture or Kill?"

"Yea, looks like because of the threat risk, she was ordered to take him out if she couldn't capture, as if she can't capture..."

"Sorry, Erika has killed?"

"She's hasn't had to kill on a capture or kill, she one of the best to capture."

On base

Erika was quick to get into her uniform throwing on her bullet proof vest before chucking on her jacket and went to meet her CI

"Woah, slow down, CI will be coming here." Jason replied

"Really, do we actually feel comfortable with them..." Erika asked looking at us "What with them here?"

"We don't have a chose, so your gonna take the CI briefing in the north area, the American team is gonna be in the east and 2 and 3 will run security for the room." Elara ordered

After briefing

"His being kept in a house near J-Bad."

"Why not the tribunals?"

"Apparently their getting ready for a trade off." Erika replied

"Okay we'll deal with it from here." Eric replied

"Fine." Erika agreed walking away

"We're really gonna let them take over?" Marco asked

"Not a chance." She replied

On the mission

Jason, Sonny, Trent and Brock entered the building while Erika, Clay and Ray took up a sniper position with Marco. Elara, Andy sat on a near by roof over looking the target building and the sniper nest. Astrid sat in the sniper nest ready for casualty, then it all fire off

"Bravo 1 to Havoc, we're pinned."

"6." Clay stated just Elara pulled up her mask and went to the roof

"Erika...." Eric warned but she looked over to the building, she stepped back a bit before taking a running jump and hurling over the ledge on to the other building, running over her left shoulder and back on to her feet rushing to the open window and throwing herself through

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