Chapter 10: Revelation

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 "I know it wasn't your fault and mum never told you, but something can't be fixed." She replied before turning to towards the door "I gotta go."

"Please, can you give us a chance?" Ray asked "Can we try and be a family?"

"Hey." Becca greeting coming in "Come inside with the kids, the foods is ready, all of you need to eat at some point and we have more then enough food."


"I'm not taking no for an answer, go." She smiled

'33' nodded with a smile and Becca went out and bring the other two inside

"What's your name?" Ray asked

"I don't know." She replied "Like they said, you forget after so long."

Clay held out a file to her and she hesitantly took it

"Imogen, Imogen Katya Perry." She smiled running her hand over the name

"Mama!" A boy yelled as he race in and throw himself at her

"Oh hello, Magnus." She smiled picking him up and turning to her daughter who smiled picking her up as well holding them both close before Becca came over

"Hello darling." She cooed taking Freya in her arms "Don't you look so beautiful, my darling." She then turned to the woman who walked into last

"Hey 39."

"29." She smiled

Before they could talk Kai came running through as we heard crying from one of the room

"Leia?" Steve asked as they walked in with her and Danny, Kai, Aiden, Grace and Chin

"Leia where's the bottle?" Kai called coming into the hall with a toddler in his arms

"Who's that?" Danny asked

"Hello sweetheart." Leia cooed as she stood beside Kai "Did you have a good nap?"

The toddler nodded before holding his ups out for her so Leia handed Luana to him as she took the toddler

"That is Koda, our son." Kai replied

"Hey sorry we're late." A man greeted as he walked in with a stroller and a baby carrier

"Jamie?" Henry asked

"Hey pops." Jamie smiled "It's good to see you."

"You too."

"Who's are these cuties?" Nicky asked kneeling infront of the stroller and car seat

"There my kids my daughters Andromeda and Celestia and my son Leandro."

"And umm... your..." Erin asked

"My wife was number 32 and she's... she died." Jamie confirmed

"I'm sorry." Erin stated

Jason POV:

We sat down drinking and speaking with Clay who would answer but every few minutes when another member came in, he'd stand and they would greet each other

"Hey." Another one came in walking around the area to greet each and everyone before making her way back to Clay who hugged her and kissed her cheek before she went to Elara "So sorry I'm late, traffic is a nightmare."

"We're just glad you made it." Elara smiled

"Mia?" Carisi asked looking at the new woman

"Hey uncle." She smiled shyly waving "You look good..."

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