Chapter 21

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 Naima POV:

Clay stopped talking to look at the building and the design

"Exits look like the roof, gym and front door."

"They'll have emergency exits around." Clay reassured her and she leaned into his shoulder while he tightened his grip on the shoulder "You gonna be okay?"

"Yea." She smiled back at him "I'll be fine."

"We'll go in now." Jason stated as he walked up to the door

After getting them in, Clay was the last to come back out

"You sure your gonna be okay?" Clay asked as he stood in front of them, his arm around her waist and Atticus in between them both fast asleep in her arms

"Yea, I think we're gonna be alright, I mean I've got books and snacks for Atticus."


"I'm gonna be okay. I think." She smiled "I hope."

"I'll pick you up later..."

She smiled nodding before handing Atticus to Clay

"And I will see you later, little man." Clay told him as he sleepily watched his dad

"Alright time for her to go to class." Alana stated slightly annoyed. Clay glared slightly kissing Atticus on the head before handing him back to Elara and kissing her on the head

"Je te verrai plus tard, bonne chance." Elara smiled (I'll see you later, good luck)

"Merci, j'en aurai besoin, je pense que ton père prévoit de me tuer." Clay replied with a smile (Thanks I'm going to need it, I think your dad planning on killing me)

"Oh enough, time to go." Jason replied annoyed that he couldn't understand

"Atticus is au revoir papa." Elara told Atticus as they waved from the door and Clay waved back (Atticus say bye daddy)

"You know Jason gonna kill you right?" Brock asked Clay

"Yep." Clay replied as he watched Elara go back inside with Atticus

"Hills Clay." Jason yelled "Hills."

"Jason..." Ray called over to him "Give the kid a break..."

"The kid is basically married my daughter behind my back."

"You know why they married?"

"I woke up last week to my daughter in front of me on the floor in the same bed as Clay." Jason replied

"They always have, I went wake Marco and found him asleep with Astrid and the kids." Ray replied

"She living with him?"

"The kids are having a hard time adjusting, both her and Clay suffer from night terrors and Alana doesn't like her and doesn't want her living with you lot remember?"

"Don't we still have to work on the issue of getting them to use other jackets and retire their member ones?" Brock asked "Another one got any ideas?"

"We still need to get Clay out of his." Ray reminded

"Has anyone asked them?" I asked "Like actually asked them?"


"These a reason behind it maybe by learning the reason you'll be able to present an argument that might actually win."

"Naima right..." Ray replied

In the house

Clay grabbed his bag pulling his jacket from the hook

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