Chapter 27

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 In the next few days

Jason POV:

Astrid was with Marco or helping with medical but she had been staying awake to make lunches and breakfast so early in the morning for them but she always prepared extra for everyone and make sure she was gone after Ray had told her it wasn't necessary and she shouldn't have gone through so much trouble. Marco had gone and explained that for her it was a normal thing to make so much food because of their family and that it was in her nature to try and care for others. Erika was with Full Metal most of the time talking or just walking around the compound, Eric glaring a lot at him. Trent was with Bridget a lot helping with her recover and Clay was with Elara a lot talking about missions or the kids. At one point they we're found asleep in one of the mission rooms, Clay leaning against the walk with his leg out in front as Elara slept on his legs, his jacket wrapped like a blanket with his arm on rest protectively on her.

"Jason, you and Eric can't kill Full Metal or Clay." Mandy reminded as we stood watching the new pairs

"That's my daughter." Eric grumbled as he watched Erika laughed at something said by Full Metal, they had gone for a jog as were just coming back. Elara had been called for intel and had left for a meeting with Clay and Brock acting as security. Brock had been spending Azumi who Cerberus had liking too.

2 months later

Trent had been seeing Bridget face time her every night to talk to her and the kids, Draco, Jericho Phoenix, Lynx and Leona. Always disappearing at the same time to talk to them. Clay had moved into a house with Elara, Jason and the kids. Jason wanting to spend more time with Elara and having to move out anyway decided it be easier. Azumi stayed with her kids and siblings at Sonny's but they spend some nights with Brock and Cerberus. Theo stayed with Eric as did Erika but she spend a lot of time with Full Metal. Astrid spend most of her time with Marco and the kids trying to get them use the new routine. Elara had liked Mandy and enjoyed working with her so she spend most of her time talking Mandy through old Ops and information. A majority of members had a hard time trying to adjust to being in high school, Ray had been called for the triplets after Marco had started a fight with another student, his friends tried to get one over on Marco by hitting from behind but Stefan and Luca both stepped in causing the boys girlfriends to get pissed and try to fight but Astrid and Jac and Andi stepped in. When Ray and Naima arrived the quadruplets were fine but they other had to be treated for injures. Nick and Azumi were the next ones to fight and Theo, Kyra, Rory and Imogen were next ones to start a fight.

 Brock POV:

In the morning we headed to Trent to see him on the phone

"Lynx and Leona are starting Nursery this week." Bridget stated

"Who's more nervous you or them?"

"Is that a serious question."

"They will be fine."

"I know but I'm still so nervous."

"Morning Bridget."

"Hey Brock, am I keeping him from something?"

"No, your fine." I replied with a smile

"Just get the twins to school, the triplets have already started right?"

"Yea, but Phoenix is struggling to find his footing."

"Yea that's everyone right now, Astrid and Marco got caught in a fight?"

"How there like a perfect couple."

"No, not at each other, they found with some other students and the rest of the Perry's jumped into defend them with Andi."

"Are they okay?"


"No the opponents, no doubt my team walked out." She replied just as her father walked in

"Sawyer." Her father greeted "Darling dinner almost ready."

"Alright." She replied with a smile before turning to Trent "So?"

"Oh your that confident?"

"Absolutely." Bridget replied "So...."

"They won." Trent replied "Hey could you explain marriage to us, how's it work for you guys?"

"So most of our members are married or engaged to other members but their a few married to technically it classifies them as 'Outsiders'. So 1 marriage to 3 even thou a lot of us know it was for the children sake it was much easier for as to handle better then even Becca's. It wasn't the age gap even thou it like I think 11 years between them, it was mainly because 'outsiders' don't really understand our way of thinking or life. Like when Johnny first came in he was confused as to why everything was so fast, like our marriages and children."


"Take me for example, I got the triplets after an accident killed their mother and their father was out of the picture, the grandparents didn't welcome them so I took them and I was 15 years old. But for me it was like I felt ready to have kids but for Johnny was like he couldn't understand why we we're moving so fast in our lives and how we all acted a lot older, then we actually were."

"Like how?"

"He would ask questions like when are we going home? Why are we there? Why did we want to have kids so young... Those types of questions."

"Hello!" Lynx yelled over Bridget shoulder with Leona climbing into Bridget lap curling up with her head rest against Bridget shoulder


"Okay, the time to get these ones to bed."

"I'll call you later." Trent replied "Goodnight monkeys..."

"Say goodnight Trent." Bridget told the twins, Leona gave a smile and a tiny wave while Lynx yelled again, annoying his sleepy sister.

"Goodnight Lynx, Leona." Trent replied "I'll see you tomorrow, Bridget."

"Yea, goodnight Trent."

After Trent finished the call he put his tablet away

 At the bar

"How are you and Naima doing with the kids?"

"We're okay, we're looking for bigger houses and the kids are getting along with Jameelah and RJ so that great. Especially with them schooling together."

"And the quadruplets?"

"Marco with Astrid most of the time but Astrid trying to with Naima and I."

"It feels like she's the only one truly trying here."

"Oi!" Astrid called as she came into the bar rushing to us "A few of us are heading to Los Angeles."


"18's called over, something gone down with Street and she needs our help."


"1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 11 are already in board. 22 and 26 are also heading out." She replied "I'll be heading out soon to meet up with a secondary team."

"We're coming now."



"Did you know?"

"No, I was only just informed and I'm on a dead line." She replied checking her watch



"I know we're coming, I just wanna say thanks, for coming to us."

"We'll someone's has to make the effort." She smirked "Now seriously deadline, let's go."

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