Chapter 26

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 In the building

Trent POV:

We could hear foot steps above us and listened to bodies drop just as two other members appeared on top of us but before they could fire a person dropped on to the top of the stairs


She ran at them grabbing the first guy with her one arm thrown over his shoulder as leverage as he other was under his arm, her legs swing front, feet slamming into the man's chest knocking him back with the blow as she used the momentem to swing around the man she held using her body bring the guy to the ground rolling away from him to stand before rushing back and getting him into a choking him out before restraining him then rushing to the man at the bottom before he could recover full, landing a kick that send him down the stairs, she rushed off hurling herself over the railing to the bottom when the man had landed knocking him out quickly before rushing to restrain him

"Who?" Jason asked

"Erika..." Brock replied and the woman waved before signalling us to follow

"Look out." I warned as we saw another two members come towards us but Erika was quick to reach up grabbing the bottom of the barrister as she swag forward kicking the first guy in the chest as the second came running she wrapped her legs around him bring her elbow down on to his collarbone knocking him out and when the third one came running she rolled forwards getting back up on to her feet just in time to send a round off kick to the third head sending him flying into the wall before restraining them. Before walking out the door and signalling towards the other members. The other members began to bring down the vicheles and as Clay, Marco, Nick and Theo began to get the prisoner board, carrying them fireman style from the house to the vans

"Multiple targets acquired." Erika confirmed as she walked towards us, yanking down her mask and grabbed the bag off of the prisoners head confirming identity.

"6 confirmation?" Clay ordered

"Confirmed, Prisoner confirmed Lucas Garner." She replied after checking the ID card strapped under her elbow "Confirmed, we've got him."

"Let's go! Now!" Elara yelled as she jumped into the van, full metal was in the back and Erika jumped in beside him grabbing her. She grabbed a gun from the floor board

"What are you doing?" Full Metal asked as she sat on him straddling him as she checked the weapon

"Still loaded." She replied before leaning over him to talk to Marco "2 pull up beside this truck."

"On it." He replied speeding up to pull into a stop throw her forward into Full Metal who grabbed her waist to stop her from flying back. The driver saw us and went to get out but as he opened the door, Erika opened the one on our car slamming it into his forcing the door shut as she jumped out grabbing the man from behind the head and slamming it forward into the steering wheel knocking him out cold

"3." She asked as Clay got out holding the door open for her to jump back in as he moved to get the new person, throwing him into the third van before jumping into the truck and drive it back to base in between two of the vans

"Erika." Mandy asked turning to look at her

"Yea?" She asked

At the base

"Looks like another members here."

"What?" Erika replied "Shit..."

"What is it?"

"That's 80."

"I thought all members were home?"

"So did I." Elara replied

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