Chapter 35

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"Sorry to interrupt but we've got a mission."



"What about Donvan." Jane asked

"What about him?" Marco replied

"What happens when he show up."

"If that coward has the balls to show him face, you blow a hole through his head." Marco replied turning to Murdoc who smiled looking at Kat

"Looks like we're gonna have some fun." He smirked

"But first to deal with Cutter."Erika sighed bored

"I thought we handled him."

"Apparently we didn't, he still alive."

"1 I need to go." Kenzi called to the captain "Something wrong with 105."

"Go." Elara replied waving her off while pointing to others and getting them to accompany her

"So we're spliting into 2 teams."

"No three, I want one here to ensure if Donvan shows up."

"We'll deal with him." Lt Cavanaugh replied "We do actually know how to do our jobs."

"Don't take this personally." Erika smiled "I don't trust you to actually, you know do the job."

"We don't have time for this." Clay reminded

"Keep us informed." Elara told Frankie who nodded his reply "For the rest of us, Afghanistan awaits. Let's go."

Arriving at the base

Everyone branched off quickly to go set up their areas and prepared for the incoming missions before finishing with no word on Cutter location, left to wait they decided to sit around a nearby fire having a few drinks

"So what do we do now?" Clay asked bored of the situation

"We stay on track, our job is to find and detain Cutter if he become difficult."

"We eliminate him." Kat replied as she leaned back in Reid lap as she played with a knife "This is gonna be fun."

"Everyone will listen and take commands." Blackburn replied "You ain't on your own any more and you will be working with us."

"Boo." Erika replied

"Well that just bad luck." Kenzi replied

Seconds later they heard an alarm and turned pulling out their phones

"You never get a break do you." Ray commented the kids began to argue when they heard a beeping sound ring out

"What's that sound?" Blackburn asked

"Isn't that...." Astrid asked

Elara, Marco and Clay all reacted rushing to get their phones and unlocking them

"We need to go." Astrid replied looking over Marco shoulders "We need to go... like right now."

"Grab your gear, let's move." Elara yelled

At the site

Trent POV:

Walking up we could see a man dressed in black as he looked over the nearby buildings

"Isn't that..." Sonny asked

"It can't be...." Brock replied

"Nate... Ray replied

"Jason? Ray?" Nate asked turning around only for Jason to punch him

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Jason yelled as Clay and Ray held him back

"That was coming." Nate groaned as he got up and get a tissue from his jacket

"Where did you get that?" Elara asked as she stepped out from behind Clay when she saw a alarm in Nate hand

"My daughter gave it to me, before she disappeared." Nate replied "I've been trying to find her and I saw them bring her in here but their too many of them."

"So you pushed the button?"

"She said to use it to find her, that you'd help."

"Well that parts right."

"Wait... daughter?" Ray asked

"Landon half sister, Regina."


"She's my daughter with Emily and she somewhere in that building." Nate replied "I can't get to her."

Within seconds they heard a massive explosion and turning they saw the building up in smoke, Nate went to run down building

"Regina!" Nate yelled as he tried to get through the smoke "Regina!"

"Would you stop screaming already?" She commented as she walked in fixing her lipstick

"Hey 110." Elara greeted

The girl stood up and everyone got a shock

"Guys we need to go right now." Nick called

"No! I need to get back in there!" Regina yelled

"Regina!" Nick yelled as she ran back in and seconds later she came out with people following

"1...." Esme asked looking towards her

"Right, let move 'em back, away from the building, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 go get trucks we need to move them, 14, 15, 20 you'll work on security. 11, 13 31 and 33 let lock it down." Elara ordered "Move!"

The team was quick to move split off into the three teams before Elara turned to us and paired us off, Elara send Clay to lead the security detail with Marco and Brian followed along with Ray and Brock

 Ray POV:

"So it's your first time with this team right?" Brock asked as we say how nervous Brian was

"Yep." He replied just as we hit the first truck

"11." Clay called gently and she moved back while Theo moved his gun, handing it to Clay as he moved, back to the steel bench of the truck. Esme handed her gun off to Clay before she took a run just as Theo cupped her hands giving her a boost as she landed on top of the canpy balancing on the steel ring holding it up and then moving quietly across the last two before stopping just near the cabin for Clay to toss up her gun before she landed on the cabin roof as the others quickly grabbed the driver and the passenger, restraining them before throwing them into the back while taking over the trucks driving them back to the base with the others

"Let's go!" Esme yelled as she banged on the door as she walked out and helped the people into the trucks

"Everyone here?" Imogen asked just as we heard a shot ring out

"We need to go! Come on everyone in!" Clay yelled as the second shot rang out and looking back you could see Elara standing in front of Clay while I was behind Imogen

Jason POV:

"Elara! Imogen! Come on!" Clay yelled as the flames began towards them, racing back Clay grabbed Elara only to realise she was bleeding while Ray did the same to Imogen

"Astrid!" Clay yelled as he and Ray got into a empty truck with the other members seconds behind

"Move out now!" Marco ordered

 At the base

Clay was quick to transfer Elara to a waiting gurney, Imogen seconds behind as they were quick to move them into an operation room, Astrid took Elara and Diana took Imogen, both faded in and out of concussion while blood seeped through staining their shirts, both were unfocused

"Hey! Hey stay awake now! Come on!" Marco and Clay encouraged as they faded out

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