chapter 2

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Gabriela dragged herself out of bed and did her morning routine. As soon as she got in her room she checked if Kayla was asleep and took off her cloth to lotion. She hated lotioning in the shower. Those public bathrooms are something she still yet had to get used to.

After lotioning, she put on her panties and some 80's denim jeans. Right before she put her bra on she heard some shuffling only to find Kayla wide awake and looking at her large breasts. She quickly covered up.

"What the hell Kayla"

"What we practically have the same thing," she said as she got out of bed and put her blond hair in a high bun.
"I mean yours is way bigger but Still, you know I don't get why you are so shy and all. You could literally make any guy go crazy just by flushing your tits"

"Thank you--?" Gabriela replied confused. She put on some graphic shirt then grabbed her bag and left before this conversation could escalate any further.


"Biiiiiitch do you see professor yummy right there?" Her one and only best friend Bambi whispered as she eyed their calc teacher.

"Shut the fuck up am trying to listen" Gabriela whispered back with amusement lacing in her voice. Her friend was something else.

"Bitch whatever am trying to hear that man groaaaan," she said sticking her tongue out. She playfully slapped her bestie on her shoulder.

After the class was over and a shit load of assignments Gabriela decided to head over to Bambi's room just to chill.

"I can't believe she said that. I swear one day her pussy gone break"

"Uhmmmmm" Gabriela agreed with her friend. "like I don't understand how she could be so disrespectful. She a real hoe tho."

"Man we need to go out like go shopping or something you know," Bambi said while getting up and checking herself in the mirror. She was shorter and lighter than Gabriela. She's wearing a Brazilian weave like always and Gabriela has never seen her friend's natural hair. Bambi claims it's short and curly.

She was what you would see on world star, fat ass big boobs; not as big as Gabriela's, probably a C cup. She took care of her body and it showed.

"No can do. I have to be at Miss Lauren's at 5" Gabriela replied.
"But we can chill till then tho"

Miss Lauren was a woman in her early forties that owned a mini-market few blocks down from campus. She has the warmest smile and the purest of hearts. Gabriela used to go there to buy some of her hygiene products and when miss Lauren found out she came all the way from Africa and had no one here she became like a mother figure to her. She would let her help her shop and pay her some money for it. She liked Gabriela. She was the daughter she never had and the fact that she was all about school made her proud of her little girl.

"Oh, yea I forgot. Anyways quan just texted me I guess am gone be occupied tonight."

"You know I don't trust him. Be careful, he's a hoe. "

"So aaaam IIII" she replied mimicking ty's song.

"Why am even trying with'u"

"Bitch look at you acting all hood and shit. Am an influence now ha" she called out on Gabriela's little accent that she's been picking up lately. The girl could speak fluent English thanks to that expensive ass school her parents put her in. But she still had a lot to learn about the American culture. She doesn't care about the white ones, she wants to know that
African American culture.

The closest she got is all these ratchet movies and some BET series she used to watch back home. But in real life there weren't many black folks in college, mostly Asian and white and some mix. Bambi was her only friend not only cause she was the closest thing to black but also cause Bambi treated her so well. Bambi was a bitch but she had a soft spot for Gabriela. She was different from all the girls she met. She was truly a good person, which is hard to find these days.

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