chapter 14

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Not gone act like am famous and ask for 100 votes but I'll need at least 10 votes and 5 comments to post the next chapter. Give me some love 🤣 fr tho do it. Just vote now, you know its gone be good.


Gabi was digging into her dessert eating plate filled with different kinds of cakes and mini ice creams. She also managed to put mini heart-shaped pies.

Since it was getting dark the whole place was lit with string lights. Some were wrapped around a tree. It looked beautiful. Dinner was served and everyone was enjoying their dessert.

"Girl, who is that beautiful lady sitting by Darren?" Tanesha asked. She was Eva's best friend of over twenty years. She was also Lawrence's aunt from his Dad's side. They all used to live in the projects.

"Oh that's Gabi" she already told her about a girl she was helping out. "Oooooh" she replied. "She's beautiful. Maybe you got a future daughter in law" she joked.

Eva shook her head "girl they can't stand each other, am letting them bond" she waved her off. "Darren needs to learn respect and I doubt a 20-year-old girl would do that." She shook her head at her son. She wishes to see him with a woman that puts him in his place.

Tanesha on the other hand saw it all on Darren's face. She knew what Layla meant to him and predicted he would feel some type of way. But not once did he look in her direction. He looked at the Gabriela with undivided attention. She didn't say anything to Eva though. It was only suspicion and It wasn't her place to say anything.

"Let's sit over there, I have to make a toast about their undeniable love" she rolled her eyes as she guided Eva to a table that was closer to where the couple sat.

"You always eat like that?" Darren questioned with his hands rubbing on his thighs.

She wasn't eating like a pig or anything. She just didn't take unnecessarily small portions and eat like there's glass in her mouth like every other girl did. They were eating like they were trying to impress somebody.

"If am eating like this in public why would I change when am alone?" She asked as she waved her fork in the air.

"Lose the attitude. Am just trying to hold a conversation" he said sternly. She just nodded and went back to eating her food.

"Let me have some of that cheesecake" he sent his fork straight to her plate and took a piece. She decided to shut her mouth.

"Mmmmm this is good" he nodded in approval. She watched his adam's apple bob as he swallowed. She unconsciously bit her lips. "You have some on your beard" she put her hand on the corner of his mouth and picked a piece. She then rubbed on it in an attempt to lay his hair.

That simple gesture made his heart skip. He eyed her with a mixture of lust and something else she didn't understand. He gave her a small smile that instead of melting her, made her skeptical.

He was trying to initiate a conversation with her. He stayed telling her how beautiful she looked. He picked her food for her and even let her eat off his plate. He was friendly which was unlike him.

She felt like he was using her to prove to everybody it didn't irk him that his ex was marrying his cousin she cheated on him with. She hated how he used her when it was only significant. She was trying to keep her feelings in check but he won't let her be great.

Instead of addressing it, she decided to wait. She gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave back the same energy.
"Lady's and gentlemen Mr. And Mrs. Carter first dance" a bald guy that seemed to be in his late 40's announced. Everyone applauded as they eyed the young couple.

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