chapter 12

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The sound of his phone going off woke him up from his sleep. He looked at the ID and realized it was just Dominic.

"What nigge" he asked rubbing his eyes.

"Am at the door, come open up nigge"

"Bet" he hung up and put some shorts on. He made a trip to the front door and opened it for him.

"Nigge it's 9 what you doing this late?"
Dominic plopped down on the couch.

"Man I was up All night" Darren chuckled as he thought about the wild night he had.

That Saturday he managed to catch up on Amber when she was about to leave and dicked her down. They fucked again yesterday. No date or chit chat. He went and got that nut.

He left her place around 2 in the morning so he was catching up on some sleep.

"Your crazy ass" Dominic chuckled as he shook his head. "Any way get ready so we can see the sites of our new club. Bryson sent me some pictures but we need to see it in person"

"Alright let me shower and shit then we'll head out."


Darren sat in his office inside of his mechanic shop. In his hand he had whiskey in a crystal glass. The crystal liquor decanter sat on his wooden desk with half-filled whiskey.

The shop was just a cover to clean his money. He also used it for drug trafficking.

He thought it was stupid to have an office in the warehouse. He had cameras and did pop ups. Other than that he moved smart and doesn't show himself much often.

Dominic sat across from him with a blunt in his mouth. He didnt like the formal shit. He didn't have an office because Darren took care of most of the commotions and it was uneccassry to have another one. It would just be a show-off since he wouldn't need it.

"Yo it still smells fishy" Dominic said as he watched the smoke disappear to thin air. "We been doing business with that nigge for 5 years and now our men start to get attacked by some random thieves?" Dominic stressed. "I thought it was his responsibility to make sure that OUR men make it safely out of Mexico with the supply WE paid for"

Unfortunately, Marcus, their main supplier claimed that there was this new mafia gang that has been attacking Darren and Dominic's men and taking their supplies. He let it slide the first time but this shit happened again.

However, Darren didnt understand why that happens when they are coming back after the exchange but not when they are entering with a lot of cash in hand. He knew Marcus set him up.

The problem was Marcus was an old and well respected man that had the whole of Mexico under control and Darren was only the king of Newyork.

"He set us up that ain't no question"

"Why now tho?" Dominic was well aware of how powerful Marcus was but he also knew that they had a great number of consumers in New York so why jeopardize his income for a few hundred thousand.

"Like why would he do that to profit a few hundred thousand when he be profiting a lot more? And he knows we too smart for that shit to think it wasn't him doing this"

"That's cause he wants us to know it's him. He don't want to work with us no more. Don't forget he left bounce cause he got a better deal" Darren noted.

"You say'n there's someone in New York hustling better than us? Fuck outta here" Dominic had ears everywhere or so he thought.

"You said it yourself man. He's too smart to be messing up his real greens over some petty money. He also knows we ain't stupid so why else would he do this?" Marcus always admired Darren's deduction. So the nigge knew what he was doing.

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