chapter 11

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"Your shirt" Gabi held the grey shirt he left yesterday. Currently, they were in her room with Darren rolling a blunt and her going through her closet to find something to change into.

"Yeah put it over there, am not gonna sleep with this Versace dress shirt." He pointed to the foot of the bed.

"You spending the night?" She asked confused. He asked her to smoke with him but they didn't talk about any sleepovers.

He looked at her then kept rolling his blunt. She mumbled an ok then took out a big 50cent shirt and started stripping.

"This liquor got you bold yo" he said as he licked the paper to make it stick.
She caught him in action and felt her body temperature rise. He was sexy at everything he does.

"I know" she chuckled nervously. She knew she wouldn't do that if sober. "I like that" he said lowly as he put the perfectly rolled blunt down and unbuttoned his shirt.

He stood up shirtless as he started unbuckling his pants. He was oblivious to Gabriela's ogling. She knew he didn't do it on purpose but damn.

"Got any shorts a nigge can sleep in?" He asked. He smirked when he saw the lust in her eyes.

"Mann, you keep forgetting am a female, you are acting like you with your homies and trying to borrow their cloth" she chuckled as she went back to the closet and fished out sweatpants examining it to know if it can fit.

She felt a pair of hands sliding around her waist. "I know you a female alright" he put his chin on her shoulders and eyed the sweat she had in her hand.

"You know I got legs" he said with an attitude which made her laugh. "I'll sleep with my boxers" he shrugged and went back to bed.

"I don't think that's a good idea" she shook her head. The dick print was visible in his Calvin Klein pants. It wasn't hard but she could see it and that's all that matters.

"You're not wearing pants why should I" she tilted her head to the side and gave him a stern look.

"This is my room so I can dress what I want-and put your shirt on"

"Oh shit! This is you right here?" He asked as he put his hands on his chest dramatically. "Nice place"

Gabi rolled her eyes at him as she sat next to him. He told her to pass him the lighter from the nightstand and lit the blunt.

He took a long hit and kept the smoke in his mouth for a second before exhaling making the fog white and attractive.

"Ever smoked before?" He asked as he took another hit. He looked really attractive as he leaned back on the headboard with one arm behind his head. They were under the cover so she only could see his naked top. His biceps were big. He was a thick guy covered in ink.

"Yeah, like one hit" she shrugged her shoulders. She didn't want to be a stone head but she wanted to be able to hit from time to time.

"Word" he nodded. "But the paper was white tho" she noted.

"That's cause this is blunt that's joint. Blunt has a cigar in it and you use a cigar paper to roll it with. That one is pure weed." He explained. "Joint also burns faster which is why I prefer blunt."

He passed it to her "take a hit, I'll bring joint next time" she smirked at his choice of words.

So there will be a next time her inner self squealed in happiness.

She took the blunt and took a cautious hit. Immediately she felt her throat burn and she started coughing.

He sat up as he pulled her towards him. "Relax and breath, it'll go away"

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