chapter 7

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It was Saturday. It was just yesterday that she let Darren into her sacred body.

It was 9 a.m. with nothing else to do but stay in bed and watch some movies.

She called Eva last night. Unfortunately, her niece got into Labour. She decided to call to hear the news. Hopefully, she gave birth to a healthy baby.

Gabriela grabbed her phone from the nightstand and unlocked it. She then went to her contact list and swiped when she got to her name. Miss Lauren was written in bold cursive letters. She better changes that name soon.

On the fifth ring, she finally heard her voice.

"Hello" Eva sounded exhausted.

"Hey, wanted to check on your niece, she was in labor last I checked."

"Yeah, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl an hour ago."

Shit, Gabriela thought. "She was in labor the whole night?" She found herself asking.
"Yup. I'll be there after settling her in. Maybe in an hour or two. Tell Darren to Cook breakfast for you and himself. He likes eggs and beacons, hopefully, that's cool with you too." Gabriela found her mind drifting back to last night at the mention of his name. It seems like anything could trigger her into thinking about him.

"Oh he left last night" she shrugged her shoulders as if she could see her through the phone.

"Why? Did he say something to you?" Eva sounded concerned. If something happened between the two, she knew 10 out of 10 it's gone be his fault. He had a smart mouth.

"Nothing happened, he just didn't see the point of spending the night if you're not here."

"Ok then, cook whatever you want. I know you a terrible cook so save your energy and don't cook for me." She chuckled.

"Know what, I'll wait for you to get here. I'm not hungry yet."

"Girl please, even you can't stand your own food. Don't worry tho mama's got ya." They both laughed and said their goodbyes before hanging up.

The thought of staying in bed didn't sound so appealing now that she was reminded of Darren. She felt like the bed; matter if fact the whole room reeked of sex even though she changed the sheets.

She opened the window and stood there admiring nature. The sun was shining bright and a bunch of kids playing on the playground. She felt peace. It was a good day.

Just when she was gonna go to the bathroom to pee her phone started ringing. She looked at it to see Bambi was trying to face time.

She grabbed her phone and answered it while still walking to the bathroom.
"Good morning girl." Bambi chimed as Gabriela sat the phone on her lap as she sat on the toilet seat and started to empty her bladder.

"Bitch is you peeing?" Bambi scrunched her eyebrows.

"Yes! Listen to that shit. So beautiful." She was referring to how her urine hit the tiles.

Bambi fell out laughing at her friend's weirdness. Gabriela took her time to get comfortable around someone. But once she did she would be all the way comfortable. She would say the weirdest shit and not give a fuck. To her, that was a real bond. And that's what they had.

"Bitch guess who just left outta my dorm room sneaking like a little ass kid?" Gabriela was now flushing the toilet after wiping. All while she placed her phone on the sink.

"I think I know who." She said washing her hand and drying them.

Gabriela picked her phone up finally taking a good look at her friend's morning face.

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