chapter 5

221 19 5

One month later

Gabriela was cleaning her room while listening to roll some mo by luckydaye and chronixx when her phone rang. She looked at the ID to see it was Dominic.

Over the past month Gabriela grew more and more attached to Dominic. He picks her up from school and they eat and chill. He even thought her how to play video game and she's been kicking his ass since. They both enjoyed each Other's company.

"What you want?" She answered with an attitude.
"The fuck's wrong wit'u?"
"I don't know am sorry it's these morning sicknesses and these hormones."
The line went silent for a minute until Gabriela started laughing.
"I'll slap your bitch ass through the phone if you wanna play this stupid games with me. Nigge get dressed I'll pick you up in 10."

Gabriela was still laughing unable to stop.
Dominic was a hot head and his reaction always seem to crack Gabi the fuck up. Sometimes he puts a little more show for her just to make her laugh even more. He adored the girl.

Gabriela decided to finish later and jumped in the shower to get ready. Just then her phone beeped signalling she received a message. She got out of the shower and grabbed her phone to see she got a text from Dominic.

Txt your girl, I know she been feel'n me.👅💦

Gabriela went back to the tub and took a quick cold shower. She wrapped her self in a towel letting her damp hair fall on to her back as she made her quick trip to her room.

She went to her closet to pick out her outfit. She didn't want to dress up cause she knew this whole thing was a set up just so Dom could fuck with her friend. She knew Bambi was feeling him and since her friend was a heartless bitch, she knew she wouldn't have to worry bout her feelings. She laid out her Nike tracksuit and her white Nike air force. She dropped her towel and started lotioning.

Dominic made it to her place and started honking. Gabi huffed and applied her lotion faster. Gabriela didn't like to rush which is why she didn't like sudden plans. He was definitely gonna wait outside.

"Yo am a go in you wanna come?" Darren asked his impatient friend.
"Nah I'll wait here. I'll just blow her line. You wanna come to the mall with us?" Darren shook his head no and went to his mom's house. He fished out the spare keys he owned and unlocked the door.

Meanwhile, Gabriela decided to piss Dominic off and put her phone on DND. She put her panties and bra on and decided to beat her face. She sat at the vanity that Eva bought for her a week ago and filled her eyebrows.

Honk Honk Honk

She then lined her eyelids with liner and applied mascara. She put some glosses on then rubbed her lips together to apply it evenly. Currently, Myles perish song Back was playing and she couldn't help but twerk a little.

She pulled her hair into a messy low bun and laid her edges.

She picked her phone up and went through her contact. She quickly found her friend and started typing.

Me: hey get dressed and meet us by the mall around campus. You know who's coming to get you😉
Bambi🍑: bitch you telling me now?
Me: yo am still in my underwear twerking while texting you.🍑😎
Bambi🍑: ok ok keep shakn' it. Tell that nigge to get a swimming suit. Am gone drown him.😊😝

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