chapter 15

234 13 17

^ Is he Hot or Hot?😩

Y'all stop playing with me and vote and comment ok? Good👧🏽 Enjoy😎


She watched as the street light disappeared one after the other as they drove through the streets of NewYork. The skyscrapers were shining with lights making it look like a jungle of bright towers. She loved it.

"I take it you haven't seen Newyork at night." He cut his eyes at her then back at the road as he drove with one hand with the other resting comfortably on the window.

"Hmm" she nodded.

"Yo, what's wrong wit you cause I had enough of your attitude" she looked at him with her eyebrows raised.

"Attitude? All I did was shut my mouth and kept shit to myself! You used me to show off to your ex while my dumb ass thought-" she shook her head "I just want the keys then you won't even need to drive me home, I'll uber"

"You thought what? That I had feelings for you? What happened to
I ThInK yOu HAnDsoMe buT nOtHIng mOrE ha?" He mocked.

"Darren just shut up."

"Don't tell me to shut up when am talk'n to you, we fucked and I may have pretended like you was my girl but that didn't harm nobody." He lectured "you have no reason to catch an attitude"

"I do. I wouldn't mind if you told me what was up. You didn't have to tell me I was beautiful and flirt with me and shit"

"I wasn't flirting with you" he looked at her for a second "I just stated what I saw. You were the prettiest so I said what I said" she nodded.

"Ok then leave me alone."

They arrived at a fancy high rise apartment building. She watched as he expertly parked the car in the parking lot. They both got out and made their way to the elevator. He pushed on the 20th floor which was the last one.

Gabriela was busy checking her phone while Darren was busy watching her through the mirror. A couple of people got on and off the elevator. After a minute or two they reached their destination.

She watched in awe at how elegant the place was. The floor was made of fancy marbles as the wall were made of mahogany wood.

They approached a big wooden fancy door. She watched as Darren fished out his keys and opened it. He stood by the entrance and gestured her to come inside. He locked the door then walked further in.

 He locked the door then walked further in

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Gabriela was busy gawking at the place. She liked how big and simple it was. "I like it" she said as she was still busy looking at the place.

It was modern and masculine. She didn't see herself living in one but it was beautiful nonetheless.

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