chapter 6

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Warning: this chapter is for mature audience only🚸🔞 as it's extremely explicit.

Read at your own risk.

"Am about to fuck the shit outta you at my mama's crib"

He took a sit on her bed wide legged and hands behind His back resting on the stiff mattress for support. His ever-growing manhood didn't allow him to sit any kind of way but.

"Look am a be honest wit you. I hopefully think you're smart enough to know us fucking now means nothing but a moment of weakness; A moment of weakness no matter how much time I think and rethink the situation, I couldn't change my mind. All cause you standing over there looking like that." He removed his hands from the bed and now sitting upright.

"C'mhere" his voice was soft. Gabriela took 3 cautious steps towards the bed. As soon as she was in his reach he grabbed each of her legs and pushed them towards him.

Straddling him she grew more nervous than ever. She honestly didn't understand how she made it this far.

"Let me make you feel good and worry about the rest tomorrow. I won't promise you shit but I promise not to treat you differently."

Darren couldn't believe the shit he was saying. He wanted her. Bad. She got him talking crazy.

Darren also wasn't one to talk shit just to get pussy. He wasn't desperate with all the pussy out there calling out his name. Lying was his last option and, he wasn't bout to start now. That's why he told Gabriela the truth.

"So, you gone let me in or should I ring your doorbell first?" He smirked while caressing her left chick.

As soon as those words fell out of his mouth Gabi couldn't help but moan. Why did she moan?
Because for one his sexy smirk did something to her body. Second the analogy he used just made her wet.

Not to forget she's straddling him with no set of clothing letting her wetness sip into his shorts. Soon he would feel it.

Her moan was the sweetest thing to him. He loved the effect he has on her. He removed his hands from her face and rested it on the small of her back. She shuddered from the sudden touch. He let his other hand grab a fistful of her ass, rougher than the last time.

He wasted no time attacking her lips with his. The kiss was never slow or passionate. It was rough and hungry.

Gabriela told her self no matter how he treats her the next morning she's gonna do this cause she's horny as fuck. And it's his fault. She's just gonna enjoy the moment.

The kiss started to heat up after Darren decided to use a little tongue. Now both hands are on her ass as they both fell to the bed. Gabriela now had her ass up in the air while being in a heated make out session.

Darren was surprised by her actions. She wasn't shy anymore. She looked like she knew what she was doing.

She probably done it with a few other men.

The thought made him mad so he flipped them over letting his dominant side take over. He wrapped his strong large arms around her neck choking her while still kissing her.

She didn't understand what changed but she liked it. She's never been choked before. He pulled back to catch his breath. They have been making out for some time now.

"Take your shirt off" Gabriela said out of breath. It was more of an order.
"Ha?" Darren wasn't sure if it was his imagination or if Gabriela really said that to him.
"Ha?" she mocked him.

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