Sasuke II

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"Yes, I understand father. But you know very well, I'm dating Ami."

Fugaku frowned at the mention of his son's girlfriend. He did not like her one bit when Sasuke introduced her. She seemed...a bit–no a lot off.

"So?" He really did not have time for this talk.

Sasuke was taken aback. He knew his dad wouldn't care but this is too much! His father can't just barge into his love life!

Sasuke sighs. "May I now be excused?"

Fugaku looks at his son, "Fine. But I, want you to break up with her this week. We can't have her ruining the union."

Sasuke leaves immediately with the brown file in his hand.

As soon as he went back to his office he threw the file against the cream-colored wall. The papers that were tucked in the file, flew in random places but landed on the same ground.

He hated his father. He was never like this before! Why did he have to marry her? Sasuke's pretty sure Sakura was jumping in joy while he just punches walls.

Damn her. Damn his father. Especially his grandfathers.

He liked Ami. Sasuke really liked her. He was even sure he loved her. But now his plans for their future was ruined by that pink-haired little witch.

He swore when he married Sakura, he would sleep with random girls in front of her. Hell even a homeless woman! Just to make it clear he hated the marriage.


On that same day, Sasuke agreed to meet up with Naruto to vent out all his frustrations. He had broken up with Ami, by text due to his busy schedule.

She was devastated by his news. He knew because of the long texts she sent him about her heartbreaking into a million pieces.

Her being fake has never once crossed his mind. She has proven to him that she wasn't just using him during the days they were friends.

The restaurant that he and Naruto were occupying was bustling with people and workers. Noise could be heard when walking into the main area of the restaurant. But Sasuke and his best friend reserved a private booth, away from the noise, to talk.

"I swear to god. I fucking hate him."

The blonde just slurped his ramen soup contentedly. The Uchiha hit him on the head which made him splurt some liquid back into his bowl.

"What was that for teme?!"

"I was speaking." A short answer came from the annoyed man.

Naruto wiped his mouth and drank some water. He faced his friend if you call friends, people who hit you on the head and keep you from enjoying ramen.



"What's so bad about marrying Sakura-chan?"

"She's obsessed with me."

A snort could be heard from the blonde's mouth. Sasuke could really be stuck up sometimes...or all the time.

People around them still wonder how the two are really close despite their contrasting attitudes.

A loud and cheerful goofball and a dark and quiet emo wouldn't be your typical combination of best friends. Both of them just clicked.

"You still think that she's obsessed with you?"

Sasuke frowned. She's liked him for 15 years! Of course, she still is! Right? A small nagging voice in the back of his head says otherwise. She may have changed, but not to his liking.

"Teme, she has changed. Really changed. Have you seen her latest Insta post? Damn, she looks hot! If I wasn't engaged with Hinata I–"

Before Naruto could continue his rambling, Sasuke stuffed a dumpling in his mouth which Naruto just chewed contentedly.

"As I was saying, Sakura changed. Like a lot. People change ya know!"

Sasuke's brain replayed Naruto's statement to the point where he couldn't drift off to dreamland.

People change. Yes, they do.

Did she? She might have.

Would he like it?

He had no idea.


Five Uchihas were gathered around a dining table with an envelope in the middle. The envelope was sent to their house personally.

"A wedding invitation?" Mikoto questioned.

They get wedding invites, yes. But they barely attend those kinds of occasions due to their work and lack of interest.

If Fugaku called them for this, it may be important.

"Yes. The Harunos wedding to be specific. Kizashi Haruno and this... Miria Wang?"

Even Fugaku was confused. He has never heard of her. He never even knew of the engagement between their CEO. Mebuki Haruno's death was the only news he's heard from them.

"We are attending. All 5 of us."

Yosh another update and I am finaly un-grounded!!! No difference if I was anyways XD

Soooo wedding o.O
And yes Sasuke is a jerk in here

And in the anime too! So no surprise there! Thanks for reading!

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