Sasuke IV

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He loathed socializing, therefore, he hated big gatherings. But now standing in the middle of a sea of people, Sasuke had no choice but to interact with the other people. He'd really rather talk to Naruto about ramen. 

He had no idea he just jinxed himself. 


Sasuke flinched at the sound of that voice, "You're here! Have you seen Sakura yet?" Naruto dragged hus arm over Sasuke's shoulder.

No, he has not seen her yet. He wanted to avoid her since he did not know what to expect when they see each other. She might just ruin his whole mood, not that it isn't already ruined. 

"No." Short and simple. He didn't want to talk anymore.  'Can someone just shut me up for the whole day already!' 

Naruto's voice just drowned out and Sasuke could only think about escaping from here, so he went straight for the bar. 

"Scotch on the rocks." The bartender nodded and went off to get his glass with ice. He poured a portion of the alcohol in the glass and Sasuke took a sip. 

A few seconds has passed when he realized the place has gone less boisterous. He scanned his surroundings when his eyes landed towards the entrance. There stood Sakura and her brother, Sasori? Was that his name? 

He now realized that the reason for the silence is not only because of their presence but also their attire. Like they went to the wrong location because they are dressed in outfits the invitation restricted. 

Some people broke the silence by whispering among themselves and some coming forward to greet the children of the groom. 

He noted Sakura's appearance. She looked similar as to when they were younger but at the same time, she grew more...what's the word?

He didn't want to say or admit it but, more beautiful. Sakura still had her amaranth hair which now reached below her shoulders and her wide eyes still held her emerald eyes. 

He never noticed himself but Sasuke kept his eyes glued on her since she entered the garden. That is until, her eyes found their way on his onyx ones.

Sasuke felt his body being dragged towards her and he realized his brother was pulling him to her.

When they reached Sakura his father immediately greeted her.

"Ah, Sakura. You've grown."

Sasuke almost laughed at that statement because usually his father would be composed and say something formal not, 'yOu'Ve GrOwN'.

Of course she did! It's not like she'd stay 19 forever.

"Mister Uchiha." she nodded and shook his hand.

The tension around them is very thick and awkward. Well, that's what happens when you incorporate the 'emo' Uchihas.

But at least there are non-emotionless ones like Mikoto Uchiha who broke the tension.

"My! You have become more beautiful than I thought Sakura." Mikoto hugged the pinkette which she returned and smiled.

At least the tension dissipated.

"Sasuke come here why don't you greet your fiance!"

Sasuke looked at his mother and gave her a look of disbelief. Sakura flinched at the sound of the 'f word'.

And the tension returned. Yay.

'Can this day not get any worse?!' Sasuke keeps thinking.

The family turned their attention to Sasuke who cleared his throat and moved forwards to hold out his hand.

"Sakura." 'How nonchalant' they thought.

Sakura put on a small smile and took his hand, "Sasuke."

The moment they locked hands, a wave of nostalgia washes over them. She still has those smooth hands that used to keep grabbing his arm years ago. They shook hands slowly and longer than they should've until Itachi coughed and Sakura withdrew her hand.


'And he calls himself my son?!'

'Way to go Sasu-cakes.'

'I can't take this tension anymore. We have too much at home.'

Itachi continued his 'coughing fit' but before Sakura could show concern, he leaned on Sasuke a bit too forcefully and 'accidentally' pushed him toward Sakura.

The push was a surprise so Sasuke didn't have time to react when he felt the force, he bumped into Sakura. She almost fell from the impact but guess what was keeping her from plummeting to the ground.

Sasuke's arms wrapped around her waist.

And here was a dose of my crappy writing. Hope you liked it though!

Itachi ships it.

We ship it. 😏

Thanks for reading!!

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