Sakura IV | Sasuke III

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Long chapter ahead people ✌️

"Seems like we can't do anything about it." Sasori sighs.

Earlier, the redhead and the pinkette were summoned to the main villa. A 'grand announcement', as their father would like to call it, will be announced.

"We are going to get married. On Friday next week. The arrangements have been made and the two of you will have to attend and take part."

That was under such short notice they thought. But their father has made it clear as crystal, they can't do anything about it.

Sakura was staying in the main villa, waiting for time to pass. Sasori left to attend a board meeting in the Akatsuki so she was alone.

Well, not quite alone.

The white-washed door of her bedroom burst open only to reveal one Miria.

Sakura sprung up from her bed towards the woman.

"What are you doing here?"

Miria kept her hand on the doorknob.

"I wondered if we could talk," she said sweetly.

"Heard of knocking? Even my father does that."

"But your father said this is my house now too."

Sakura raised her eyebrow.
"Oh and that just gives you permission to come bursting in my room." she crossed her arms.

"Look, I know you don't like me-"

"How can I? When you just barged in my room like you've been here your whole life."

Miria glared daggers at her. "Well, I just wanted to talk peacefully but it seems like you don't want to."

All that sweet façade of hers vanished and was replaced with an arrogant mask.

"Your father and I will get married soon and you and your pathetic brother will stand and watch. Your company will fall into my hands and you can do nothing to stop it."

For a few seconds, it was silent with Miria thinking she scared Sakura.

Sakura walked up to Miria and whispered, "Gotcha."

With that statement, she got her bag and left the room feeling even better now that confidence has entered and took over her body. She now had the assurance that the woman her father would be marrying is indeed a monster.

She was scared that Miria was actually genuine and taking revenge on a sweet person would make her feel bad.

Sakura now had the pleasure of playing with her and she would enjoy taking her down and seeing her face after her defeat.

She also knew that another problem is waiting around the corner to bring her down, but that Uchiha would not faze her.


"We're what?"

Fugaku looked at his wife. "Yes, we are attending."

The rest of the people in the room looked at the man in surprise and confusion. Fugaku couldn't care less about occasions like these.

But seeing that his son's fiance is a Haruno, he would like them to see each other and open up before their very own wedding. He would also want to meet the woman who would be standing as Kizashi Haruno's new wife and maybe the new mother of Sakura and he has sky-high expectations.


"It would be rude not to accept this invite. And seeing as Sasuke's fiance would be attending," Sasuke rolled his eyes and frowned, he knew where this was going, "it would be a good opportunity to get to know her."

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