Sakura VI | Sasuke VI

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^^ Imma start with a meme with MHA

"Eh? So you don't like him anymore?"

Sakura nodded. It has been at least 20 minutes of them chatting about their lives and just so happened that a topic about Sasuke was brought up.

Naruto's eyes widened. Sakura had confusion written on her face after seeing Naruto.


Now Sakura didn't get anything at all. Was she missing something?

She thought a bit harder until she got what Naruto was saying.

"We forgot Sasuke!"

But instead of running back to where they left him, they laughed.

"Oh go–" Sakura couldn't complete her sentence when laughter took over her.

Naruto let out an obnoxious laugh which sent stares from nearby people their way.

Once they've calmed down, Sakura wiped a tear from her left eye. Naruto took some deep breaths to calm himself down from the laughing fit they had earlier.

"This is why I hate you guys."

Sakura and Naruto turned their heads to find Sasuke frowning behind them.

"Yeah sorry about that, teme. But you know you still love us." Naruto winked at him. Sakura giggled while Sasuke's frowned deepened.

On that very moment, they were remimded of the days when they were allowed to be carefree. It was a time when they didn't have to worry about companies or contracts.

Those times were they just laughed at Naruto's antics and where Sasuke would send an annoyed glance at Sakura who would leech onto his arms but wouldn't have the heart to shake her off.


The trio that consists of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, were once known as Team 7. It started when there was a big gathering of the 'Top 20 Richest Businesses'.

They were all children that time, 6 utmost. Naruto was being the hyper troublemaker he is and took majority of the attention. Sasuke was quiet as a mouse during the occasion and Sakura behaved like a proper child.

The gathering was mostly about money, stocks and whatnot which didn't interest any of the children attending and needless to say, there was more than 10.

All the pranks Naruto was pulling off was due to boredom. Sakura wanted to talk to her brother but it seems like he was mingling with the older children attending like Itachi and Yahiko.

It seems like an hour has passed for the children, and their parents or guardians weren't showing signs of stopping conversing soon.

That lead to tantrums from a girl from the Yamanaka clan, pranks from Naruto, fidgeting from Sakura, and more trouble caused by the younger ones.

The planner, seeing the whole downfall of the event, squeezed an activity for the children. He scheduled at least 3 games for them.

There wasn't a complained heard from the adults, they were actually interested in seeing their children communicate with the others.

The first game was an easy one, "The Boat is Sinking or basically Group Yourselves."

The children were ecstatic to hear they were going to play. Yes, even Sasuke was excited.

All the children participated while the pre-teens excluded themselves with the excuse of being 'too old for games.'

With children getting disqualified during the game, 7 children were left in the game due to being good at it.

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