Sakura VI

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A static was heard from a speaker above the three.

"Good day, our guests. The wedding is about to begin in 20 minutes. Please proceed to the opposite garden and seat accordingly. Thank you."

Sakura sighs in defeat. Sasuke's head turned towards her. "That bad?"

He doesn't usually care, but considering she would be his future wife, would mean that the Miria woman would be his in-law.

Sakura's face scowled, "It's as if she was born from Pride and Greed. Money slut." She muttered the last part.

Sasuke inwrdly smirked, he didn't know why, but the fact that Sakura badmouths her step-mother is new to him.

She was always a proper girl. "Little Miss Perfect", as they would call it. Sakura never even cursed. He has noted the changes she made and he hoped it would stay like that unless he wanted otherwise.

"Well we better go-ttebayo!"

They both followed the blonde to the garden.

Beautiful, was an understatement to describe the place they stepped into. There were fragrant flowers  surrounding the place. White tents were scattered in an orderly pattern. The trees perfectly matched the whole theme. 

Sakura, despite hating the wedding, loved the sight around her. She knew the garden was already beautiful, but the place right now looked beyond amazing. She wanted her own wedding to be as beautiful.

"Aw man! We're separated." Naruto suddenly exclaimed. Sakura looked at him and saw that he was pointing at a chair from the left side which had his name on it. Sakura knew hers was on the right side and she looked at her designated seat.

She then realized something and had to squint her eyes. Beside her chair was... Sasuke's?

No one told that she would be sitting next to him. But then again, he's her fiance so it made sense. It doesn't mean she liked it though.

There were people who helped the guests to there assigned seats and it all went smoothly. Sakura sat down on hers which was at the second seat in the very front.

Sasori sat on her left and gave her a look. Sakura mocked his face before he chuckled and shook his head.

"I guess it's the end huh?" Sasori asked her. Sakura shook her head and Sasori just looked at her, confused.

"This is just the beginning."

"You sound like we're in a drama or fanfiction. Maybe we are in one."

Sakura rolled her eyes. Her brother could be an idiot sometimes. She thinks this is why he has no girlfriend.  His handsome face would just get wasted because of his small idiocy.

"Think about it nii-san. We could play with her. Maybe she could even be your puppet."

Sasori's eyes lit up when he heard the word "puppet". And no, it doesn't mean he would literally make her a puppet. He could now see his little sister's point.

He out of all people knows how to play with someone. Sasori smirked at the thought. They now both had the same thought.

Sakura felt a prescence on her other side. She turned to see Sasuke and his emotionless face.

Sasori looked at the Uchiha. Sasuke met his gaze and gave him a nod. Sasori returned the gesture and went back to his original position.

'Emos.' Sakura thought.

At that moment, Kizashi Haruno, walked down the aisle, waving to the excited guests. The moment he reached the altar, he looked at his two children. You could say he was pretty disappointed when he saw their attire.

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