Sasuke VII

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He felt dozens of eyes on them as they walked to the dance floor.

Eyes were on them expectantly. Sasuke could feel the pressure but that didn't stop him from losing his poker face.

Once they were standing in the middle, the guests dancing earlier moved aside because of an announcement made by none other than, Sasori.

"Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the soon-to-be husband and wife. Sakura and Sasuke!" Sasori announced over the mic as soon as they took their place on the floor.

Sakura looked horrified, with her eyes wide opened and clear embarrassment shown on her face. She shot her icy glare to Sasori but he just ignored it fist-bumping with the person beside him, Itachi.

'Those traitors!'

The guests didn't seem to notice the embarrassed faces of the pinkette and onyx haired man since they just cheered and clapped as the music started.

"Fuck you Sasori," Sakura muttered under her breath. Sasuke heard her remark and couldn't help but agree with her.

It's not like they had a choice to back off now, seeing that all eyes were on them, even Fugaku.

Sasuke sighed as he wrapped his right arm around her waist and took her right hand.

Sakura lazily put her left hand on his shoulder and began to sway with him to the music.

They both had experience in dancing. Why?

If you were reading the former chapters, you would still know that they were a trio from powerful families who do almost everything together, and that included dancing lessons, for future parties such as this one.




They were both in perfect sync. Sasuke has forgotten the feeling of being near her, and he has forgotten how his stomach would feel odd but pleasant.

He could feel the touch of her breath and the texture of her hand being held by his very own again, for the second time this day and he, for the first time in years, was the one who initiated those contacts today.

As the song reached a certain note, he made a motion to twirl her to which she complied and done gracefully.

The people watching them were like hawks, keen on every movement they made. Some of them expecting one to mess up while some enjoyed the whole thing, imagining the couple dancing, to be a scene from a book or show.

They all thought the same thing though, and that is, Sasuke and Sakura are in love with each other.

None of them knew about the contract or the fact that the man thinks of the woman as a dirty, lying bitch in his mind. If they did, the two would get pity and neither of them wanted it.

Sasuke wanted to frown at the thoughts he had earlier, about her and the tiny little details he noticed from her touch to how she moved to the beat.

He had to remember that Sakura did a lot of horrible things and he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Although he never felt as if she would do those schemes his ex told him she did.

Sasuke knew her more than she did but it never hurts to be sure. If Ami was spouting lies about the girl—woman he was dancing and engaged with, he wouldn't tolerate it. He had to get rid of these thoughts since it was driving him crazy.

Uchihas are never crazy.

And he had an idea of who was causing these things in his head.

'Is it because I'm too close to Sakura?— No. I don't think so. Hn.'

It was miraculous that he never messed up any dance steps with the things clouding his head. But, he is an Uchiha nonetheless, and it was nothing new.

The music neared to its end and they finished it off with a twirl and a bow.

Claps and cheers could be heard from the people who watched and one of them was Fugaku Uchiha. Surprise surprise.

Sakura showed a smile to the guests and Sasuke figured he should acknowledge them too, considering they had more cheers than the newlyweds, so he softens his face and nodded at them.

"What a lovely couple."

"Ah, young love. Why aren't you dancing me, hm honey?"

"Beautiful. I bet 10 grand they are going to have beautiful children."

"Nah I'm not gonna bet against you. I'm with you."

"I wish my wife was that lovely."


The people had different opinions about the two, but Sasuke couldn't care less. Everything was going well and they were about to return to their seats when the crowd started chanting something and it was embarrassing. 

They were all chanting the word "Kiss" all over again for the couple to do the action. 

He didn't know what to do. 

She didn't know what to do.

Sakura just smiled at them and shook her head but the crowd showed no signs of stopping. They were eager. 

They couldn't just kiss. It would be more awkward than it already is. But the faces of his parents were expectant. Itachi was smirking, almost smiling and Izumi was encouraging with the crowd. 

Sasuke sighed as he turned to Sakura. She looked at him with a "what do you think you're doing" face. Sasuke rolled his eyes and took her right hand and brought it to his lips gently with his eyes not leaving hers.  

The ghost of the kiss he gave her hand remained there. Sakura blushed when her skin came in contact with his lips. It felt soft, just like how she imagined it to be when she was younger. 

The crowd cheered on again. It wasn't the kiss they'd been expecting, but it looked romantic so they had no problems. 

Sasuke felt his cheeks warming up and returned to his seat without knowing he was still holding her hand as he returned. 

Among the people cheering, clapping, eating, and enjoying the party, someone was raging in fury without showing it on her face.

"That bitch. Thinking she can steal the spotlight from my wedding." 

And IIIIIIIIIIIIII AM FINALLY DONEEEEE!! So this chapter is a gift, unexpectedly, to @sasukeishotbye since it is his/her birthday today so I hoped you all liked it! 

Writing fluff is more awkward than I thought. hehe

Thanks for reading!!!!

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