Chapter 14

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Unexpected Turns


My eyes were tightly shut, desperately hoping that what had just transpired was a figment of my imagination. Did I really get married under such absurd circumstances? I mentally shook myself, urging my sleepy mind to snap out of it.

"Come on, Sid. Wake up from this nightmare," I mumbled to myself, trying to regain a sense of normalcy. Slowly, I pried open my eyes, only to be greeted by an unexpected sight.

To my astonishment, perched on my shoulder was a mischievous little devil, complete with tiny red horns. It had the audacity to wear the same face as mine, grinning wickedly. "Oh, so you thought this was just a dream, huh, Sid?" it taunted me. I let out a long, exasperated sigh.

Reality hit me like a ton of bricks-yes, it was true. I, Mr. Siddharth Aryan, renowned real estate mogul, had tied the knot in the most ludicrous way imaginable. Who could have predicted that a psycho police officer would play matchmaker at gunpoint, leading me into the arms of the adorable Aami?

Aami. Her name alone brought a mix of amusement and disbelief. Here I was, a man of business, suddenly thrown into the whirlwind of matrimony with a girl I barely knew. It was like a script straight out of a comedy movie, but unfortunately, I wasn't in a position to hit the rewind button.

As I glanced at Aami, I couldn't help but notice the defeat etched on her face. Poor girl, she must have thought it was the end of the world. One moment clutching her bag protectively, the next holding a flower garland from our impromptu wedding ceremony. It was a situation worthy of the wildest sitcom plot.

The absurdity of it all sank in, and I found myself contemplating our next move. Were we actually husband and wife now? I struggled to wrap my mind around the whirlwind of events that had transformed me from a carefree bachelor into a bewildered spouse. Could I still maintain my bachelor lifestyle? What would my family think? And goodness gracious, I had beaten my older brother to the altar! Talk about a plot twist!

Maybe it was time to execute my brilliant escape plan. Running away seemed like a solid option in the chaos that surrounded us. Once we were out of this mess, we could sit down and have a good laugh about this rollercoaster of a day. But what about Aami? I couldn't simply leave her behind. She was caught up in this madness because of me, after all. The responsibilities of being a husband, even in such a peculiar circumstance, began to weigh on me. After all, she is my wife.

Wait a minute! Did I just say "wife"? My mind couldn't help but erupt in laughter at the sheer absurdity of it. Oh, Sid, you've really stepped into a hilarious sitcom. But amidst the laughter, a twinge of empathy tugged at my heart. Aami was now a part of my life, and I couldn't abandon her like some comedic sidekick.

So, with a lopsided grin and a newfound determination, I made a silent promise to myself. I would embrace this unexpected twist and navigate the challenges it presented. Together, we would find our way out of this wacky adventure, and who knows, maybe there would be a happy ending after all.

In the end, I couldn't help but chuckle at the cosmic joke that had been played on me. I may have married at gunpoint, but at least it would be a story to tell for generations. And hey, if life wanted to transform me into the lead character of a sitcom, who was I to argue? With a spring in my step, I braced myself for the zany ride that awaited us, ready to embrace the laughter and chaos with open arms.

For now, our priority was finding a way to elude the police. The rest could wait.

I had no clue what was going through the mind of that psycho officer who had orchestrated our wedding. He ordered us back into the jeep after the chaotic ceremony, and now he sat in the front seat with a serious expression. I couldn't anticipate his next move. Would he pull the trigger and send us to join his dead wife? The mere thought sent a chill down my spine.

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