The unknown

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I never thought I'd feel the sun kissing my skin like this again. The heat hugging my body and humidity swirling around making my forehead sweaty. The sight of no snow or a rain cloud in the sky, made me smile and enjoy the beauty around me.

My new sunglasses protected me from the sun and hopefully from any reporters standing around. I tried my best to dress in a way that wouldn't give me attention. Shorts and a simple graphic T-shirt with some Nikes wasn't suspicious, yeah?

I stood off to the side waiting for my ride, and thankfully I didn't have to wait long. I looked up seeing a tall black male holding up a sign with my last name, and I quickly grabbed my bags walking over.

"Nice to meet you Simone. I'm Eugene, I'll be your driver for your trip. May I take your bags?" He asks and I smile.

"Likewise and thank you but I got it." Eugene helps me anyway as he pops the trunk and we put my luggage in the back.

The drive to the city wasn't as long as it was last time I was here. I guess my thoughts occupied me that I didn't even notice we made it to our destination. Once we parked in the garage, Eugene had opened the door for me and I hopped out helping him with my bags. I thanked him and we headed up to the top floor.

"So are you and the twins exclusive?" Eugene asks out of the blue and I look up at him.

"Why?" I question.

"Well, I was wondering if you aren't did you wanna go on a date while you're in town?" He smiles and I stared at him.

Eugene looked like a really nice guy. He was attractive, had a nice build, his smile was pretty cute and was even bold enough to ask me out. I don't know why I even entertained the idea of letting him take me out. To actually go on a date with someone, and act like normal people. Maybe it's because I liked the attention of another male, or because I've never been asked out before. I wonder what that answer could be.

"Where would you take me if I said yes?"

"I know a nice restaurant in Beverly Hills. Afterwards a little walk on the pier." He smiles and I look up when the elevator opens.

"Here's my card. If your interested call me." Eugene hands me his card, and I look at it before smiling.

"I'll think about it. Thanks for the ride." I grab my luggage and lull it off the elevator as it closes.

I only had a suitcase and a book bag, so why was my bags so heavy? Maybe it's because I packed my school stuff with me as well so I could study, and maybe brush up on some vocabulary.

I set my bag on the floor and look around the beautiful space before me. My eyes settle on the blue velvet couch that held private memories of my first visit here. I walked over to it and sat down on the comfy seat, and start bouncing on it with a giggle.

The twins penthouse hasn't changed since I've last been here. I would've thought they'd wanna change it up a bit, maybe add more color.  Maybe change the aesthetics?  I don't know.

I stood up and went into the kitchen checking the fridge smiling when it's packed.  So they really went out and got the items I asked. I thought they'd just wanna order out, so I guess not. I already knew what I was gonna make for them, so I went upstairs setting my bag down in Kalen's room and change my clothes.

I threw on leggings and a tank top, then put my hair up in a ponytail and started on cooking.  While I did so, I played some nice calming music while I worked in the kitchen.  I felt so calm and happy cooking in the kitchen.  Not only did it remind me of my childhood, it made me happy to do something that I was good at.

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