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Lina's back immediately straightened, pulled by the force of prickling as she recognized the voice; a voice she very much wanted to leave her alone

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Lina's back immediately straightened, pulled by the force of prickling as she recognized the voice; a voice she very much wanted to leave her alone.

Stomach squirming like a bucket of worms, her eyes widened- resembling a scared puppy with its tail between its legs.

The metallic taste of blood infiltrated her mouth as she viciously chewed her already-short nail, nipping her skin in the process.

Shoulders high, the girl's breath ceased to exist, trapped within her throat as her chest grew tight, caging her as her lungs grew claustrophobic, ribcage suffocating them.

Lina felt as if time had suddenly halted, and like every pair of eyes in the entire cafeteria had turned to her, ready to judge every aspect of her.

She felt a presence occupy the seat beside her, and their shoulders brushed together, leaving the girl reeling away from him, controlled by a jolt of anxiety.

Where their arms touched, her skin was prickled by imaginary needles, and the sensation spread throughout her body, leaving her feeling uneasy.

Her stomach swayed like a ship on a stormy sea, summoning what felt like motion sickness to drown her, swirling her intestines around in an endless vortex of movement as she began to feel queasy.

Too afraid to meet eyes with the boy beside her, Lina's eyes fell to her lap, fixated on a hole in her jeans.

From the corner of her eye, orangey, bleached hair poked into her vision, accompanied by a pair of bright, inhuman grey eyes that bore into the side of Lina's face, forcing her under his scrutiny.

Her hands grew clammy as she felt his eyes on her, and she hated it- wanting nothing more than for him to look away.

A large earring with an excessively huge diamond bulged from his ear, blinding the girl as it reflected every glimpse of light within a five-mile radius.

Dressed in a leather jacket that sported strategically placed tears for the iconic bad boy appearance, wrapped into a pair of ripped jeans and Doc Martins.

Laughing snidely, the boy glanced behind Lina, waving his arm to someone excitedly, and Lina began to pull at the hem of her shirt, itching to disappear into its oversized folds.

"Jeonghoon! Let's give the nice girl some company, yeah?" He teased, shooting Lina a humorously malevolent stare.

Her eyes grew wide as her head rapidly whirled towards the student, heart pounding in her chest as her lips parted, gaze darting around in search of an escape, but it seemed too late.

Soon enough, a second boy with black hair slid into the seat beside her, a flirtatious smirk plastered upon his lips.

The new opposer slung his arm over Lina's shoulder, and she immediately flinched, legs bouncing as her eyes quivered, unsure of what to look at.

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