Chapter Three

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"Vallea your uniform is here!"

A white haired head popped up from a mass of blankets, drool sticking to the girl's face as she blinked in confusion. Huh. The teenager stumbled out of the bed, eyes still half closed, mouth wide open in a yawn. 'Where are my pants?' Peach eyes lazily travelled the length of her room trying to find her purple sweat pants as she scratched at her thigh, itching the dry skin. 'Screw it. No pants.' Vallea trudged downstairs only wearing an oversized pastel pink shirt, hands rubbing aggressively at her eyes.

"Ma do you know where my pants are?" She called out sliding into the kitchen grabbing a granola bar from the cabinet.

"Which pair? I can't read your mind."

"My purple sweats."

"No, ask your mother. But also go check out your new uniform in the living room!" The girl rolled her eyes at her mom's excitement this early in the morning, popping the whole granola bar in her mouth, she went to investigate her uniform, cheeks bulging painfully as granola crumbs fell from her mouth.

"Dear lord Vallea what have I told you about shoving the whole damn granola bar into your mouth! This is the fifth time I've caught you, you're gonna choke!" Maze barked at her as she brushed past the girl, arms filled with boxes.

"Sowwy." More crumbs spilled out as her mother just sighed shaking her head in disapproval as she disappeared into the kitchen. 'Not.' She thought with a grin, body twirling into the living room. Peach eyes locked onto the uniform that was laid gently across the sofa so it wouldn't wrinkle. 'Huh. That's not what it's supposed to look like.' On top of it sat a note in a white envelope with the UA symbol stamped across it. Swiping it up she ripped the note out rather violently not wanting to waste her time or energy on trying to open it properly. Eyes scanning the letter with furrowed brows, concentrating on the words trying to get her still groggy brain to make sense of the letter.


Vallea Leto, I hope your move to Japan was pleasant. We, the UA faculty, are looking forward to teaching a young bright mind like yours. As I stated before when we first met your education here at UA will differ from the other students, you will be learning strictly under Recovery Girl as her student and working alongside her at both the academy and at the University of Tokyo Hospital. With that in mind we have made some alterations to our UA uniform to help better fit medic work and the dress code of a healthcare facility. If the uniform needs any adjustments please contact the number below, I looked forward to our meeting on Monday, at 8am, until then I wish you the best of wishes.


Principal Nezu.


Some adjustments was an understatement, instead of a skirt, blouse, and blazer, it was a dress made out of thick and heavy cotton. The material felt smooth and non-porous, probably treated so it would be more stain resistant. It was a double breasted dress with shiny silver buttons and a gray bodice. It had a high neckline that would reach the middle of the neck with a slit going down the middle of it, the skirt was pleated with red fabric shining in between the folds. The long sleeves were cuffed and decorated with two navy strips at the wrist. Subtle UA logo cufflinks were pinned to the cuffs, a white overcoat with a red cross over the heart was accompanied with the dress.

If Vallea's bulging eyes didn't convey her horror than her shrill shriek and unintelligible muttering did. Hands tugged at her white locks in distress, teeth vigorously chewing at her cheek. No, no, no, no! She couldn't wear that! If she did she would basically be the black sheep of the whole school, everyone would know something was different with her. Oh god why was she being singled out like this! She didn't even want to go to UA in the first place, she was only going because of the offer they made her! Why couldn't they have given her the normal uniform, she would have been glad, no, ecstatic to wear that but noooo they had to give her a whole different uniform that would not only grab the attention of other students but teachers also. She was doomed, she could already feel the judgemental and prying eyes following her like a vultures.

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