Chapter Thirty-Two

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A/N: So I've been think about doing a Halloween special, if you kiddos are interested please let me know or any ideas you may have that you want in the special. I hope you all enjoy the chapter, lots of love kiddos!

Peach eyes watched the TV screen with furrowed brows, a tongue peeking out from her mouth at Katsuki's proclamation, of course he would do the opposite of what she asked. The crowd was not pleased by his egotistic words and display of unapologetic vanity.

"Well isn't he just a real charmer." Chiyo chimed from her spot on the desk chair, face scrunching up in displeasure at his crass words.

"That's Katsuki for you." Vallea hummed in agreement, body laying against one of the two cots set up in the small makeshift infirmary, feet wiggling back and forth jingling the bells on her ankles unconsciously. Fingers fiddling with the hem of her dress as Midnight announced the first challenge which would be an obstacle race, which she had already been informed off a couple days ago along with the rest of the UA staff. After the obstacle race was then a cavalry battle and then lastly was the tournaments where she would be overwatching the fights to make sure no one got injured too badly.

The obstacle race was over fairly quickly with Izuku managing to get first place in the nick of the time, of course Katsuki and Todoroki were in second and third place seeming very displeased by the green haired boy's victory. Vallea was ecstatic for the boy, smiling largely and bouncing up and down in her spot. To see Izuku's planning and knowledge in action was mind blowing, she would have never in a million years would have thought to use the metal shield from a destroyed robot to hike a ride on after using a large amount of the explosions to propel him in the air and over the finish line. She had to hold in her shouts of cheer when he was announced as the winner, a hand clasped over her mouth as her eyes gleamed with tears, just so happy for the boy she knew struggled with his self esteem. Hopefully this would help boost it or at least acknowledge his strengths in planning and strategizing.

Most of Class 1-A managed to get through the course, landing them in the top 42 that would go on and advance in the cavalry battle. She was so proud of each and everyone of them, even the ones that didn't place, in her mind they had done a fantastic job and should all be pleased with themselves. She knew she would have dropped out the moment she saw the obstacle course if she was a competing student, there was no way they would have gotten her to actually go up against those robots or those terrifying pit falls, it all seemed like a nightmare to her.

The cavalry battles were next, she watched them as she helped Chiyo-Sensei heal the few people who had managed to get hurt from the course, nothing too bad but still enough that her teacher happily let her help. Those thirty minutes were tense, she never knew which group to look at or what was happening. It was a jumble of chaos and quirks. In the end only Mina, Katsuki, Momo, Izuki, Uraraka, Todororki, Kiri, Tokoyami, Denki, Sero, Iida and Ojiro from Class 1-A managed to secure a place in the battle tournament.

The one thing that did shock her was watching Todoroki in the very last few seconds and observing as bright flames exploded from his arm when Izuku pounced. She didn't know that much about him but she did know he never used to his fire quirk, always preferring to use his ice quirk instead. The face he made when he realized he had used made Vallea think that he had just killed someone with how his eyes filled with unshakable horror and regret. It was definitely strange how reacted to his own quirk, it made her want to question the boy but she knew it was none of her business so she refrained from doing so.

She quickly scanned over the files of the Chiyo passed to her of the individuals from the four teams that managed to place and were now moving onto the last tournament. The files were just basic student and health background so she could know what each one of their quirks were and what it all entailed. If they had any health issues, whether their quirks had ever injured someone before and of course their emergency contacts if something was to go wrong. The reason why she even had to read over them was because she needed to know what each battle was going to look like and what the possible injuries could be. Knowing their quirks and how they worked would be very important to prevent any issues that may come from two teenagers and their quirks fighting one another. She would need to be hypervigilant for the coming battles that she would be overlooking, after all she was going to be the first responder and her job was to make sure no one died or was permanently disfigured.

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