Chapter Three: Choices

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For the next few days Doctor Bowman found Jacob Williams to be somewhat of a difficult patient. It wasn't that he was uncooperative or aggressive, it just was his bluntness and straight mindedness that she found irritable.

It wasn't uncommon for soldiers to be stoic and unresponsive, it took time for them to open up. They were train to keep themselves lock up. Bowman had been train in dealing with these characters. Getting them to open up help with the process and treatments.

But, Jacob Williams was Fort Knox. He gave her the minimum of responses.

She felt like she has been dealing with a robot. A little more response that all she ask for, but NO! He had to be the extreme stoic type.

Even the children of Athena and Ares were not this annoying.

The children of Athena would could complain about the proper medical techniques and measures, and the children of Ares would just say that they, in their own words, didn't have time to bleed. They would just pass out an hour late.

Jacob on the other hand didn't even complain at all. He sat there during the procedure and wouldn't even flinch. He just seem so uninterested and bored with this whole situation.

Not to mention that Jacob recovery speed was unbelievable. At first he walked around bit stiff, also the fact he shouldn't be walking at all, now he was like his leg was never injured.

His wounds have already closed up and his malaria was gone. It was like he was swapped with different version of himself. Even half-blood didn't heal this fast, even with the help of Ambrose or nectar.

It was like one the gods was watching over him. Maybe that was going on, that at least made sense.


Tonight General La Rue was coming to collect Jacob. Finally Doctor Emily Bowman might have some answers about her patient. Who unfortunately she couldn't find right now. One of the many troubles of being a military doctor was that of her patient were experts in stealth, finding them was a an epic game of hide and seek.

One soldier manage to get himself in the air vents. That was an interesting day.

Another interesting fact was dealing with the nurses, these young men and mostly women usually develop an attachment to their patients. This strange way of romanticizing the idea of taking care of these injured, but strong people and healing them body and mind.

It was not uncommon to catch a nurse and patient having sex in, well basically everywhere on the base, literally everywhere and Doctor Bowman always made sure to lock her office door.

Luckily for her, she had not caught Jacob committing these acts. He usually was alone, sitting there with empty look on his face. She gave two notebooks to write his thoughts.

She couldn't read him and hope this could be a way of helping him. All because his body healed, didn't mean his mind or soul had recovered.

In one their session, during lunch, she hope food would help lower his guard.

She just had salad and iced tea while he packed his tray with all the meat he could, along a large cup of coffee, and devoured it all and left for seconds.

As he left for his second course of proteins and fats, Bowman notice he left his notebook on the table. She figure a little look wouldn't hurt.

As her hand made it way across the table, her fingers mere centimeters away, the notebook was quickly snatched up by it owner.

"This is private Doctor." He said with an annoyed glare.

Doctor Bowman quickly raised her hands in defense, "I just wanted a quick look, see what thoughts are in your head."

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