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Third pov !
°present time


"Dallas, everything alright?" Rose shook her a little since the other brunette had been staring ahead of her the whole car right. Dallas flinched and turned to her friend, nodding.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Rose didn't believe her, but she knew Dallas and she also knew that if it was really important, she would tell her.

"Okay, if you say so."

The group walked inside the cafe when they arrived and ordered while Sam chose a table.

"Ugh I needed this." Rose groaned happily when she took a bite of her own food. Kelsey shook her head but laughed.

"I guess it's good to be out of the studio." London shrugged as she took a sip of her drink.

"So really none of the guys wanted something?" Sam turned to Dallas who was zoned out again. "Dall?"

Kelsey signed Rose to shake her which she did for the second time today. Dallas flinched, like earlier, and looked at her friends, confused.

"Huh? Sorry, what?" She let out as she tried to get a grib of herself again. That situation with Daniel really brought back memories from her ex boyfriend, and she hated it.

"The boys didn't want anything?" Kesley asked. Dallas shook her head. "Okay." The older girl spoke softly, knowing something is up with Dallas, but she let it go.

You can't push things out of her.

The girls kept on talking and they still thought of getting the boys something, but they didn't know what. They eventually let it go and returned back in the car.

The whole trip to the studio was filled with talking and some laughter again, but none of it was from Dallas. She was still trying to forget what happened, but she had a hard time doing so.

All the girls noticed it, but they knew making some music in the studio would help her cheer up.

So that's what they did.

As soon as the band walked inside the studio, London and Sam grabbed a guitar.

Rose grabbed their song book and searched for a song. She found one that they made a little while ago and smiled, showing it to her friends

Kelsey sat Dallas and herself down on the couch, ignoring the eyes from the boys on them.

The two blondes start to strum away on their guitar, playing the rhytm of their favourite song.

"Right now, he's probably slow dancin' with a bleached-blond tramp and she's probably gettin' frisky." Sam begun, her voice raspy as she started the first few lines of their song.

"Right now, he's probably buyin' her some fruity little drink 'cause she can't shoot whiskey." London continued.

"Right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool-stick showin' her how to shoot a combo." Rose sung, her eyes closed as she enjoyed singing with her band again. "And he don't know."

𝑩𝑹𝑶𝑲𝑬𝑵 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳𝑺 ♫︎ wdwWhere stories live. Discover now