178. Group Chat

625 11 3

Team Vamps

[14 participants]

Aunt Candice👩🏼
Please tell us that those articles circulating aren't true

Aunt Phoebe🌷
Yes please I don't think my heart could handle that

Father 🧔🏻
Of course it's not true

Mother 👩🏻
I thought you would all be smart enough not believe that rumor unless they come from us

Aunt Claire🌺
Oh thank goodness

Uncle Steven🍻
See I told you guys it wasn't true 🙄

Uncle Michael T.🧔🏻
I honestly hate the tabloids

Father 👨🏻
Who doesn't hate them?

GrandPa Dan👨🏼‍🦳
That's true

Uncle Paul🧔🏻
Wasn't like the last article about you two moving to Bulgaria with the kids because you wanted to be as far away from Nikki as possible became Nina was jealous

Mother 🧑🏻
Honestly I'm so sick of these people making up shit up only to earn some money

You tell me...Michael and I have had our share of those and it's annoying

The only thing we could do is just ignore them and continue live as if those rumors didn't exist

Uncle JoMo👨🏼
Couldn't have said it better

No matter how much we hope things were different it can't be undone

It's honestly tiring to read articles like that all the tine

Aunt Candice👩🏼
Even though Joe and I haven't been through that, but I can understand how it must feel

Uncle Nate📸
I think we can all understand in a way

Uncle Steven 🍻

Aunt Dannie 🌺
Well I'm glad that those rumors are fake and that you two are as happy and in love as ever

Uncle Zach 🍻
Same here

Uncle JoMo👨🏼
Honestly I'd hate to see both break up act try everything you've been through

Mother 👩🏻
Even if things are hard we'd never go down that road unless there are no other way to fix our relationship 

Father 👨🏻
we may fight and all but we always make up and it's not just because of the kids but because we know that there's nothing more important than spending your life with the one person who makes you feel alive every day

Aunt Candice👩🏼
That's so sweet, Ian

GodMom 🌸
You two are honest to god the best couple in the world

Mother 👩🏻
No marriage is ever easy but as long as both people are in sync with each other and always work things out instead of taking the way way out by ending it then you will never truly be happy

Aunt Dannie 🌺
That couldn't be farther from the truth

anyway, like nina and I said, rumors will be rumors until the people involve say otherwise so don't believe them

Mother 👩🏻
ditto, anyways, now that's cleared up, we've gotta get going we have an early flight to catch tomorrow since we're gong to  Louisiana to visit the grandparents well talk to you guys later

Father 👨🏻 and Mother 👩🏻 have left the chat

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