Under Scrutiny

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You didn't sleep.

To put it precisely, you couldn't sleep because after the disbanding ceremony will immediately be the battle at Trost.

For two weeks, you rummaged through the shed to look for old, 'unfixable' 3DMGs, an extra green cloth, and something to paint the Garrison logo. 

You found luck on the bushes, twigs of various sizes were skinned and fibered just so you could paint the roses. The original Garrison logo and your handicraft weren't exactly identical because, well, not that you're bragging but... yours is more detailed. Yeah, you're awesome like that. 

But it's difficult not to cringe when you wasted a gold coin for three colors! a gold coin that could afford you 2 leather boots in the market for THREE fucking paint! Why is it so expensive?!

You took the some 3DMGs in secret and modified them.

You fixed the supposedly 'unfixable' 3DMGs, but it bored you, so you also customized them. Took you 3 days and if Arianne was here, she'll definitely laugh at your face if she found out you're getting rusty. Marco's new gear isn't detachable while yours is. You made a new gear out of the workable parts of other scraps for Marco, while you only customized yours. You drew your drafts in a morning newspaper, and worked on the gears every time you had some free time.

First, you put torque mechanism to it, so the hooks and throws are more aggressive and powerful because more aggressive and powerful throws means it can yank you faster. 

Then you joined and twisted the cables to form thicker ones, scared it might burn and snap because of friction;

You installed this vertical back support because you knew it will be faster now. Fast enough that you might break your back when it pulls you too hard.

Oiled the cables for smoother retraction and fire-ups;

Encased the very gear with larger canisters.

Painted herbs and mushrooms all over your canister, because you like a touch of color. What? It's pretty.

Test ran on days-off.

They looked ugly and huge but perfect. Now Marcos' survival rate increases 9999x.

The size of the gas tanks did not change; your enhanced gear will need more fuel to burn. That was the only down side to it, that you have shorter running time compared to the standard-issued ones. Marco's and Thomas' escape plan will be your first priority. You knew how much Marco mean to Jean and although you 'broke' the young romantic's heart, it shouldn't be a reason to be apathetic to a common friend.

Friend? You're getting soft.

You pushed the thought aside and prepared yourself, as hours ticked before someone score a goal on Trost District.


"Goodness me! Those are some big gears!" Some fresh Private who graduated on the other side of the wall saw you chugging watered down coffee with the ration biscuit the military gives to power you up before you face this dreaded, fateful sunny day. You were stationed in the southeast of the wall, near Stohess district, and there wasn't much to do except to guard the elevators installed beside wall Rose.

"Yeah, I like 'em big—"

BANG! You heard the wall crash. There it is.  It wasn't long until the screams and cries were all you hear.

You've been deployed; Trost District had been breached.

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