Ironies in Fate [Enrique Giancarlo]

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originally i had written this 4 years ago! fair warning it could be cringe...
it's l-o-n-g! i mean it when i say long! as usual, i tried to proofread and edit but there can be a few mistakes/typos
i'm sorry. vote ⭐, comment and share! add to library to receive updates ❤️❤️❤️


Enrique paced restlessly in his room rubbing his arm subconsciously. Every few seconds he checked his watch, sighed and continued pacing.

"Enrique! Can you stop that? You're driving me up the wall." I stopped fiddling with my hair and patted the space beside me on the bed. He clicked his tongue and messed up his hair trying to relieve the stress.

"What do you think will happen?" He asked earnestly.

"Whatever happens will happen. Why don't we face one thing at a time?" I squeezed his hand in reassurance. "Plus it could be a false alarm for all we know."

He relaxed a little at my words. "Of course... A false alarm. Plus we used protection. Nothing to be worried, right?"

"Right. And we still have half an hour left for the results. Why don't you nap in my lap for a while? You've stressed yourself enough." Enrique agreed readily, placing his head in my lap. He closed his eyes as I gently stroked his golden hair.

I didn't realise when I drifted to sleep too, head resting against headboard. That was, we didn't know then, the last peaceful sleep we were going to have in long time.

I woke up in the evening. To Enrique shaking me and shouting.

"I went to check the result in the bathroom," he said visibly shaken. "It's positive..."

I didn't had to wait for the last part though. The look on his face, his frustration said it all. My mind spinned in different directions until it was all too much. I couldn't be... Pregnant.

Why was I being put through this nightmare? It was unfair. I sniffed back the tears trying to digest it.

What was I going to do?

"What should I do?" I voiced my doubts.

"I- I don't know. Do we go to the hospital?" He calmed down a little but I couldn't make out much from his now carefully guarded visage.

"Yeah, yeah. Hospital..." I fumbled pulling out my phone and dialling my doctor.


I had been fearing shame and condemn but luckily the doctor didn't do either. I would remain eternally thankful to her for being understanding.

After questioning me for a while on my symptoms she presented me with options.

"Clinical abortion is a perfectly safe option should you decide to go for that." She wrote it on a prescription paper then ticked it off. I was in denial of this but I didn't voice it.

"Or you could put up your baby for adoption after birth. We can make arrangements for an open or close adoption in well off safe families." I immediately cut the option from my mind. I couldn't - wouldn't - put up my child for adoption. Ever. I didn't care if I didn't get my inheritance or had to take up 3 jobs. I'd raise them.

"And if you decide to raise the child yourself, that's fine too," she said. She looked at us with sympathy. I must have looked too lost.

What was the right choice?

The doctor took my name and grabbed my attention. "If you have any confusion, you can take a scan right now. I have dealt with many unplanned pregnancies and mothers often find their mind clearing up after a scan. Then you can take a few days to think through. How does that sound?"

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