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Anime: Hunter x Hunter


Just so you know....M/n is 18 years old....

Walking pass the scary alley way, you took notice of a suspicious clown like man standing on the edge of a wall. Quickly moving a step, the man turned around with a bored expression, ready to attack the unknown presence that stood behind him. You flinched on your spot, shaking in fear from the clowns aura he send you. "Hmph." He scoffed and looked back at what he was soaking before. You sighed in relief, walked forward and force yourself to not stare. But your curiosity took over, and took a quick glance at what he was staring. Two boys. Snapping your head away, your legs moved towards an empty space, where he will not spot you. Taking a knee down, you simply admire the man from afar. 'A pedo? I can't just ignore this....' Tightening  your  backpacks  strands  around  your  waist, you  position  yourself  enough  to  react  quickly. It took about an hour of waiting, you almost gave out, but the two kids were eating. You simply followed the man as he jumped from roof to roof. Finally, he stopped and turn to look towards you, where you stood behind him. "Hmmm? Why do you keep following me?" He plainly looked at you with a frown. You coldly returned one, "I don't like pedophiles. Especially, when they're following kids." The man smirked, "Ooh? Jealous?" Not reacting to his response, you simply walked towards him, stopping in front of him. The man looked up at you, with a lustful stare, "Do you wish to harm me...?" You leaned close to him, nose touching his, "Even worst...." "Like what? Hmm?" You smirked, placing a finger on his cheek, which he responded with a frown. You grew your nail, stabbing his cheek, "I'll kill you..." "Do you know who I am....?" In a flash, you saw a pink aura wrapped around your finger. Stabbing your nail deeper, "Is that your doing...?" The man froze. "How did you know? I don't sense no kin...." you smirked, "I'll tell you something...." leaning your lips close to his ear, "I'm the devil...." Hisoka trembled his legs as you pulled away grabbing his bungee gum, ripping it away from your finger you simply walked away, "Don't think that I am letting you off. I already cursed you." You didn't hear a respond, but stopped once you felt something being thrown towards you. Lifting your hand, you caught it with two fingers, "Hm? A card...?" Turning around, you took notice of the non existing presence. "What's your name." Quickly turning around you were taken off by the man tackling you to the ground. Groaning from the contact with the hard floor, the man sat on top of your crotch. Looking up at him you saw him smile creepily at the sight of you. "Mmhm! You're strong...." he bit his finger. For some reason, you felt your organs flow towards your cock from the sudden action the man did. 'Stop! He's an old dude!! Gross!!' You bit the  inside of your cheek, "You're Hisoka....the infamous assassin." "Ooh, you've heard of me?" "Of course, you're all the talk of the HQ..." "HQ? How do you know that?" "I'm M/n...." Hisoka froze. You didn't flinch, but was prepare for his next move. What caught you off guard was his loud moaning.

Smiling  awkwardly  from  Hisoka, who  didn't  get  off  of  you, you  simply  admire  his  moves. "Ooh, M/n!~" "Hey, Hey! Get  off! I  don't  care  if  you're  a  fan-" he  licked  your  lips. "Eh?" Hisoka  got  off  of  you  as  he  ran  away  from  you. Leaving  a  confuse  M/n  behind. Sitting  up, you  looked  down  at  his  card, "Meet  me  @  blah  blah  blah..." you  were  confuse, "When  did  he-"

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