what's going on?

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"Hey! It's on that way not that way!"

Due to Hoseok, Namjoon's words bounced across the whole aisle.

Hoseok rolled his eyes and said, "I know! No need to holler!" as he continued to prepare for Jeongguk's birthday.

Yoongi questioned Jimin, who was quietly hanging some ribbons, "Jimin, Where's Taehyung?"

Jimin said and cast a quick glance at Yoongi, "I do not even know, I have not really seen him since morning."

Yoongi said, "Aren't you going to be concerned?"

Jimin replied and went on with his activity, "I am scared but, I know him, he's just maybe in the library or whatever."

But again, Yoongi questioned Jimin, "Have you seen Jeongguk?"

Jimin said while looking at Yoongi, "Maybe they're together. Or maybe they're out. Eating something or what." Jimin continued.

Jimin laughed and continued, "But—Shhh, Yoons." He then put his fingers over Yoongi's lips. "I have no idea where they are,"

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