out of focus

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Taehyung awoke feeling exhausted, as if he hadn't slept in days. He turned his head to look at Jeongguk, who was still soundly asleep and hadn't even noticed Taehyung get up next to him.

"Good morning," Taehyung spoke in a hushed tone before getting up and walking into the kitchen to decide what he would cook. After scanning the room for food, he noticed a loaf of bread and decided to make toast and scramble some eggs to serve as their breakfast.

He put the bread in the toaster and began to prepare a sunny side up egg while muttering to himself, "It feels like it's inadequate though." He then opened the refrigerator to search for some bacon or ham.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so you all need to eat more in the morning. As soon as he saw the bacon, he pulled it out and started to fry it, adding those to their breakfast so it doesn't look insufficient. As soon as he finished, he started to prepare another toasts for Jeongguk.

As soon as he heard the toast ringing like a ringtone, Jeongguk arose from sleep, he got to his feet, walked around like he was impaired, and saw Taehyung brushing his teeth.

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