hangover sucks

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Taehyung awoke in Jeongguk's embrace, not knowing what had occurred the previous evening, but there he remembered it. He had a smile on his face even though Jeongguk's face was inches away from him.

Jeongguk said, "Good morning," in a clear voice that startled Taehyung.

Taehyung snarled, "My God, I thought you were asleep," and was going to stand up when Jeongguk dragged him once more.

Jeongguk replied by placing his arms around Taehyung's diminutive waist, "Stay here with me."

Jeongguk remarked, "But— Not buts, Kim. Stay here with me." while secretly grinning.

He cut Taehyung again, saying, "I have to coo— I don't care. Just stay here."

Taehyung said, "Jeongguk, I need to cook breakfast," and he used all of his strength to get away from Jeongguk's powerful grip.

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