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Kalina's outfit.

Two weeks! I've been staying at Kailon's place for two weeks, and ever since that night I haven't seen him. By the time I woke up, him and his friend were gone.

I've spent my days flirting with Alejandro, and watching Netflix. I occasionally talking with my family, and walking around the street's of London.

I was actually scared of Kailon coming back, because I knew the second he set foot in the house he was going to flip out.

I stretch my arms and legs, as I get off the bed that I've been in half the day. I pull my hair into two French braids, and make my way downstairs.

When I set foot in the kitchen, the scent of waffles and bacon hit my nose.

"Good afternoon Kalina." Alejandro speaks.

"Hey Al." I grin as I take a seat on the counter top.

"Would you like some brunch?" He asks.

"Is that even a question, with all the time we've been spending together. I thought we had a bigger connection." I wail dramatically as I throw my self on the counter.

"I would like it of you kept you body off my counters." He laughs as he playfully shoves me off.

"Less talking. More food." I day as he places a plate on the counter in front of me.

"I would suggest you strengthen up before Mr Winter gets home." He teases and I'm that moment my eyes bulge, and the food in my mouth flies into the counters.

"What?!" I scream as Al sends me a glare for ruining his counter.

"Do you know how long it took me to clean those?" He groans.

"Al what am I gonna do? He going to kill me!" I panic.

"Calm down." He says.

"I can't fucking calm down! Oh lord maybe I should move back home." I say, as I stand up.

"Kalina you can't just leave her." He reasons.

"Then take care of her." I grin, just as I'm about, to make a run for the stairs, the front door clicks.

Two voices fill the foyer, as they make there way towards the kitchen, I stay frozen in my spot.

The voices come to a stop beside me, as I don't move an inch.

"Lina are you okay?" His voice questions.

"Hey honey." I grin, still not facing him.

He raises his eyebrows, just as a meow erupts through the mansion. Alejandro smiles as he looks at the horrified expression on my face.

"What was that?" A unfamiliar voice questions.

And in that moment, the cat decides to make its presence known, it waltz into the kitchen and leaps onto the counter in front of me. My eyes quickly spin to face Kailon.

His eyes snap to me, as the cat leaps into my lap.

"What on the bloody hell is that." He growls lowly.

"It's so adorable." A different voice speaks, that when I notice them.

He was blonde with green eyes and sharp features. He was tall 6'2 and lean, not like Kailon who was slightly masculine.

"You must be Elliott." I grin as I grab his hand and lead him towards the living room, leaving Kailon and the cat.

"That is correct, you must be Kalina." He smiles brightly.

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