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Kalina's outfit.

"Okay Kalina you got this. Don't disappoint the great fish God's now..." I mutter to myself as I pull my black waves into a bun on top of my head. And band to pick up the box.


I sigh heavily is I fall face first into my couch.

Yep you read the right. My!

I moved out, and moved into the apartment I was initially supposed to move into. I obviously left with puppy, because I was pretty sure Kailon would throw me back on the streets.

I moved out three days ago, when he was at work and I had my day off. I'm pretty sure he hasn't been back to his house since, or he just saw I wasn't around and ignored it.

I wrote a letter so that I wouldn't have him worry.

That's even if he cared. My conscience says.

"Fuck you."  I mumble.

I had just finished finally in packing my things. They had been sitting here in boxes, that the delivery company had left, and I hadn't unpacked them because I wasn't around.

After a power nap on the couch, I get up and cook a small dinner for myself and puppy.

Once I'm done eating, I head to my room and take a shower. Once I'm done with my night routine I walk over to my queen sized bed, and get comfortable.

I flick on the flat screen opposite my bed and scroll through Netflix. Once I've settled for a movie, one thought crosses my mind.

I hate living alone.

But I could tell I wasn't wanted and was just bringing extra stress to Kailon for no reason. And for once in my life I made a mature decision.

But right now, I felt lonely. Puppy strolled into my room and took a seat in my lap.

This is what my life has come to. Living alone with my cat.

But I would've liked a fish though.


Kailon's POV

Three months!

Its been three months since Lina moved out. I can back from work one day, expecting to find her lounging on the couch or at least the kitchen. But when I noticed the house was eerily silent, I knew something was off.

When I spoke to Alejandro he said she had left but left for me a note. I still have it in my nightstand.

I move over to my nightstand, and pull out the small piece of paper. I take a seat on my bed, and unfold it.

A smile this at my lips at her chicken scratching.

Hey Kaily! I know you may be wondering where I am. Not no need to worry about me. I moved into my apartment. And now I won't be around to annoy you and stress you anymore. I know I can be annoying at times, scratch that all the time, I remember this one time when my brother and I were playing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and I kept beating him... I think I went off topic. Silly me, you know I always do this, I can be thinking about one thing them bam, I feel like I want to shit rainbows. Anyways not the point. Point is I could tell I wasn't wanted, and I saved you the dreaded conversation. I just want you to know I'm safe, and you don't need to bring your army of greek models to come find me. Anyways, I'll see you when I see you.

Sanity Requirement? I ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora