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Kailon's POV.

"So you guys haven't even said those special words?"


"Kailon, do you know what you are?"

"What?" I chuckle.

"Your a nipple! That's what you are." She states firmly.

"I didn't call you to have you abuse me okay. How are things going over there?" I ask.

"It's all okay, nothing major has happened, part from the occasional... you know." She trails off, and I frown knowing exactly what she's talking about.

"I know, anyways I gotta go." I say as I pull up in front of the familiar cafe.

"Okay bye. I love you..." She says, a smile appearing on my face.

"Bye. I love you too." I sigh, as I place my phone in the cup holder and smile at Lina as she plops herself in the passengers seat.

"Hey love." I greet, pecking her cheek as she turns to look at me suspiciously.

"Who do you love?" She asks.

"You heard that?" I chuckle, as I pull out the parking and into the busy streets of London.

"No, but I can read lips." She smiles.

"Well, its nobody important." I say.

"Okay." She shrugs as she moves her head to the beat of the music. I look at her astounded, as she turns and sends me her signature smile. "What?" She giggles.

"Your not going to ask me who she is and nag me for answers?" I question.

"Oh so its a she... It's okay, I trust you." She grins.

"Wow, how did I get so lucky?" I joke.

"Either ways, your to in love with me to even dream of cheating." She laughs, but I internally frown. If only she knew how true that was.

"Mhmm." I mumble as I stare art the road ahead of me.

In almost jump when I feel a hand slipping into mime which is rested on the middle console, but soon realize its Lina.

She smile at me, while her finger traces along my wedding ring as she stares at it on deep thought, as if sensing my looks, she looks at me and smiles faintly, not the normal one that reaches her eyes.

"So how was work?" She asks, as I look at her carefully.

Knowing Kalina she doesn't like when I talk about work, and is obviously using it as a way of distracting herself, from her thoughts.

"Its wasn't anything exciting, just finished up some final legal settlements for a company I am buying." I say.

"Leave some companies for the rest of the UK." She chuckles.

"Its my job to make money. Plus I'm only buying companies that are at risk and saving their sorry arses." I laugh. But look at her weirdly when she doesn't respond. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask when I notice her gaze on my ring once again.

"Huh?" She asks, as I pull into the driveway.

"I asked. What's wrong you seem a bit off ?" I ask, holding her hands in mine.

"It's nothing." She says she practically runs out the car.

I quickly get out to chase after her, but she so darn fast. When I finally make it into the house, she running up the stairs quickly.

I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as I slowly ascend the stairs, calling her name.

When I make it into our room, the bathroom door is slammed shut, and I sigh looking at it for a moment before deciding to give her some space.

Sanity Requirement? I ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang