Volume 1 Chapter 1

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The metallic sound of shaking chains could be heard echoing throughout the barren room. Arms held in place to obstruct movement, the restrained individual let out a deep sigh as his eyes stare down at the floor beneath him. His breath could be seen with every exhale, a sign that this place was very cold and below the average temperature for a normal room. Men stood behind thick iron bars which acted as a barrier of protection against the captured being. Aside from the average bars existed a thin shield able to protect against foreign substances. "Guard duty sure is boring.. Sometimes I wish I was home with my family." Says the man who lets out a yawn while holding a rifle in his hands.

His partner, who also held a firearm and was dressed in the same military style gear, turns to look at the aloof soldier and raises a brow in concern to his words. "Come on, man. We have a very important job to make sure Hybrid-01 stays put." With that said, the first soldier glances back at the prisoner, who had heavy chains wrapped around both of his bandaged arms. The male within the cell looked no older than 19 or 20, with long white hair tied in a ponytail and azure eyes which looked devoid of any life. His outfit consisted of torn jeans, a short sleeved white t-shirt, and a white and blue track jacket which rest upon his shoulders and kept together around his neck by a single button. This person was none other than Taku Kitazawa, the hybrid Uncontrolled who was considered an enemy to the entire world. He looks up at them with a souless look on his face.

"Hey.. You better behave in there or else the captain will see to it that you're eliminated swiftly. You're lucky we're even keeping you alive, you piece of trash." The second soldier faces Taku and points his gun at him. Taku only continues to look down at the floor. Another soldier within a nearby office gets a call on the video monitor. He answers it and begins to speak with someone. "Hm? What was that? There's been an Uncontrolled attack? Hybrid-03 is among them!? She must be leading those wretched creatures!" The two guarding the cell look at each other. "Welp... Looks like another one will be caught." The other nods in agreement. "Unless they end up killing that hybrid. I mean... they could be sending "him" to fight." Taku's eyes widen as he listens to their conversation.

"Oh, you mean Mr. Tetsuo. He's got a real grudge against those Uncontrolled. Without a doubt, he'll slay the hybrid as well. Serves them right." The two begin laughing as the snow haired youth grits his teeth in anger. All of a sudden, the cell door busts open and the two soldiers are sent flying across the room. Taku pulls with all his might, snapping the chains off of the wall and shattering them. The soldiers stagger to their feet with their weapons aimed. "Freeze, monster! Y-You're not going anywhere!" The other, afraid, nods and places his finger on the trigger. They both begin firing at will. A multitude of bullets are launched at him, but he quickly deflects them with a mid length silver and cobalt sword. The bandages on his right arm were torn, revealing a scarred arm which was the origin of the sword's creation. These weapons, known as Rakuza, are created from the bodies of hybrids and can be brought into a physical form at any point when needed.

Taku rushes forward at high speeds, gripping the blade hilt in the opposite direction and launches the pommel into one of the soldier's midsection. As for the other, he swiftly swings his body around in a clockwise direction and sends a powerful roundhouse kick straight at his face. His heel slams into his face, causing the second soldier to hit the wall behind him. Both were now unconscious, their bodies lying there like ragdolls. The soldier in the office was unarmed and quickly calls for backup. As soon as he attempts to do so, Taku slames through the thick glass window and knees him in his throat. The phone he was using hangs off of the table, disconnected from the receiver. A voice could be heard on the phone. "Hello? Respond, soldier! What just happened down there? I repeat: What happened down there!?"

"Mizuki's out there... I've got to find her. I need to save her!" Taku begins to escape the prison, running up the long flight of stairs which lead into the upper area of the Anti Uncontrolled Army Japanese branch headquarters, also known as the Imperial Army of Japan. There was no telling who would be up there, but knowing that a fair amount will be deployed, he won't have much trouble escaping. Taku makes it to the main area, but an alarm could be heard and soldiers were all over the place. Some were scrambling to prepare for the attack, and others were ready to restrain the escaped prisoner. "Freeze! You're going down, Hybrid-01!" A soldier says as he opens fire. Other soldiers do the same, but Taku evades the bullets with ease and makes quick work on them using hand to hand combat.

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