Volume 2 Chapter 8

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 "Sir, here are those papers you asked for! I'm really sorry for being late. I was tied up with other tasks." The young Russian soldier bows to the large man who nonchalantly sat at his desk. He raises a brow while looking at him, only to then wave his hand as a sign iof reassurance. "It's quite alright. What matters is that you got them to me. Anywho, you may take your leave." The soldier bows once again before exiting the room. "Thank you very much, Mr. Brynhild!" Aquamarine eyes scan the papers, reading over the documents one by one. It was a compilation of what has been happening in Japan and Germany. "Hm... It looks like the hybrids are finally making a move. If that's the case, I have to make sure we're fully prepared. Hybrid-02, huh? I heard he was troublesome, but to easily defeat Alfred like that... He's no amateur. However.... I'm even more concerned about that white haired one. Tetsuo Hanesaka is our most promising Demon General and yet, he too was taken out with ease. They're more monstrous than I had imagined." Brynhild sets the papers down and sighs, crossing his arms. "Time to up the ante, then."

A couple of days go by and both Renee and Madison make it to Russia. The airship lands at the platform close to the training grounds. It was a large field with rugged terrain where hundreds of soldiers were practicing combat drills. The Stronghold of the Soviet are a no nonsense style of soldiers who take combat and training very seriously. This is how Brynhild wants all his soldiers to be. Hardened fighters who can handle any situation. Both females were impressed to see how hard the soldiers were training, a light whistle escaping Renee's lips. "Well, would you look at that. They're just as hard working as their leader. Not a bad quality, I have to say." As they start walking through the training grounds, all the soldiers make way and stand straight while saluting the Demon General. "Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Renee! Our leader is waiting for you in his meeting room, so please meet with him there." Renee laughs softly. "At ease, everyone. Thank you for the greeting and keep up the good work. I'm sure Brynhild is very proud of you all." They all bow to her in response. "Thank you very much, Ms. Renee!"

Madison wasn't used to seeing all these soldiers saluting, since this isn't such a big deal in the United States. Sure, they do greet her, but not with this much vigor. The young woman could only rub the back of her head while chuckling. "I guess that's just how things are here. Ehehe..." Renee glances back at her while smiling. "You'll get used to it. Especially since Demon Generals make many visits to other bases." After passing through the training grounds, they make it to one of the entrances into the building. They take an elevator ride to reach the 5th floor in order to meet with Brynhild, who was waiting for them. Once at the room, they see a soldier standing outside. He takes notices of them as he speaks up. "Ms. Mclaughlin and Ms. Tate, I presume? General Syr is waiting inside. Come on in." He opens up the door to the meeting room and go inside.

Brynhild was sitting at a large table, turning his chair around to face the two ladies. "Ah, there you are. Welcome to the Soviet Stronghold. I hope your flight here was pleasant." They both take a seat as Renee nods. "Indeed it was. Thank you for asking. I assume what you wanted to talk to us about are the hybrids?" He nods to her, passing the two of them papers with information on it. "I'm glad you're up on the take. Yes, those hybrid Uncontrolled have already defeated two of the Demon Generals. With the situation as it is, we need to raise our defenses." Renee perked up a tad bit, raising her brow as she begins to understand just what Brynhild had planned. "I'm going to take a guess and say that you have a plan for a new Divinity Arms." With a smirk crossing his lips, he nods to his fellow Demon General. "You catch on quick. That's exactly what I've been working. As you know, I am a huge fan of explosives. That's why... I've created this."

Brynhild presses a button on the table which creates a hologram screen in front of them. What pops up next are the specs and images of a new type of grenade and mine. "I call these 'Chain Blast'. My reasoning behind the name? Well, it's quite simple. When the bombs are set off, they create a chain reaction of explosions that may be able to get past the regenerative abilities of the Uncontrolled and hybrids." Madison had widened eyes, impressed that Brynhild was able to come up with such an interesting weapon. "Whoa! Th-That's amazing, Sir!" He laughs at her intrigued reaction. "I'm glad you think so, Ms. Tate. Anyway, I have a strong feeling something is going to happen, so we need to prepare. These hybrids need to be captured, whether they are alive or dead." The two ladies look at one another before turning back to Brynhild and giving him a nod. "We'll do whatever we can to help." Renee says to him with conviction.

Just as soon as they had finished speaking, one of Soviet Stronghold soldiers rushes into the meeting room with urgent news. "Sir, I truly apologize for barging in on such short notice, but Uncontrolled activity has begun increasing within a nearby forest. We've sent some soldiers to check it out, but they haven't exactly returned yet. We are quite lucky since none of the Uncontrolled have entered city limits, but still... their disappearance is a bit concerning." Brynhild closes his eyes and thinks for a moment before answering the soldier. "Alright then. I'll go check things out." Renee suddenly stands up and places her palms against the table. "General Brynhild, allow us to go take care of the Uncontrolled. With the two of us, I'm sure we'll be able to handle it." He shakes his head. "This is my country and I'll be the one to investigate. Plus, I have a hunch that I'll be able to see something interesting if I go." Renee was a bit worried. "Are you sure...? If it's only you, something could happen. I do trust your skills and you have the highest Uncontrolled kill count in the entire AUA, but I know we can help."

"No need. I'll be perfectly fine on my own. Also, I'd love to test out 'Chain Blast'." He had an excited smirk on his face. Madison gently grasps at Renee's sleeve, shaking her head and letting her know it was no use convincing him. "In the meantime, I'd like the two of you to wait just outside the city's barrier and keep watch in case any kind of Uncontrolled try to enter the city. Can I trust you with that task?" They both looked rather disappointed that they couldn't do more, but decide to agree and follow through with his plan. The three prepare to deploy, getting all of their tools and weapons together before leaving the base. Just outside were many soldiers who were at Brynhild's beck and call. "Alright men. Your mission is to act as my cleanup crew. If there are any remnants of the upcoming battle, I want you all to take care of them with precision and accuracy." They all stand tall and salute him. "Yes, sir!"

With things all said and done, Madison and Renee ready their weapons and wait just outside the city. Brynhild goes on ahead and travels alone to a forest that was 20 or so minutes away from town. After traversing the dense foliage, he catches a familiar scent. The smell of dead Uncontrolled. However.. He catches another smell as well. Dead humans. With this in mind, he begins to rush towards the scene and stumbles a large clearing. In the middle were piles of Uncontrolled corpses, ranging from birds, reptiles, and canines. Among those were dead soldiers who were killed by one person. A familiar humanoid Uncontrolled who brandished a two handed longsword covered in blood. It was none other than Tarou Kitazawa. "Ah... So the cavalry arrives. You should be thanking me for taking care of your Uncontrolled problem. I mean, really. There are way too many of them here in Russia. And I thought Japan was bad."

Brynhild glares at Tarou, clenching his fists in anger. "Thank you? Why in the hell would I ever give thanks to a disgusting monster like you? You're the one who killed my men as well, I presume?" The black haired young man shakes his head and shrugs his shoulders. "Can't say it was me. I don't particularily claw through my opponent's bodies like one of those canine types there. I'm more of a... rip their bodies to shreds with my sword." He says this in a rather mocking tone while looking at Brynhild with a smug grin. This immediately pisses him off and causes him to toss his coat aside, revealing his battle gear and weapons. "I've heard quite enough, Hybrid-02. I'm taking you in no matter what. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter to me. If I have to kill your or just remove all your limbs and drag you back, you're coming with me in the end." Brynhild's words interest Tarou, causing him to step off of the pile of corpses and rest his sword against his shoulder. His free hand rests within the pocket of his pants. "I'm sure there's no need for introductions since you know who I am and I know who you are, but I'll still say it. You'll be facing Tarou Kitazawa, your worst nightmare and the last person you see before death."

"Heh... How formal. As you already know, I am Brynhild the Brave. A Demon General serving as the Soviet Stronghold's leader. Allow me to be your final opponent as I liberate you." Brynhild reaches for a grenade while Tarou readies his sword and rushes towards him. A battle of epic proportions is about to begin!

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