Volume 1 Chapter 6

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"How'd you even get here so fast? It takes some time to travel between Kyoto and Berlin!" Taku asks while gritting his teeth in anger. He hadn't planned for the two of them to be stopped in their tracks by someone they thought was still with Tetsuo in Japan. The silver haired woman flips her hair while letting out a soft giggle at his reaction. "When I noticed the activity going on close to headquarters, I decided to go on ahead and take an airship back home. I saw one leaving and took the one that left right after. Tetsuo ans his men made quick work of the rest of the Uncontrolled."

Taku's hands tightly grip the hilts of both blades in annoyance, not wanting to have to exert more energy after facing off against Alfred the Wise. Plus, he needed to rendezvous with Tarou who was fighting Alfred in his place. He knew Tarou was strong, but he wasn't sure how long the fight was going to take. "I'm not sure if you know this, but I'm the next in line to inherit the Demon General title of the Wise once my father retires. The fact that such a title is going to me should tell you that I'm much stronger than you think. You defeated Tetsuo who is one of our strongest members, but I can hold my own in a fight just as much as him. I'm going to make him and my father proud by taking you out and bringing them both of your heads. Ready yourself, hybrids." Charlotte's lance gleams in the light of the Sun as she prepares to face off against Taku.

"I don't care who you are or what your title is. I only want to protect Mizuki and keep her safe from harm. If you inted to get in my way, then I have no choice, but to take you out!" The white haired male takes off into a high speed sprint, his inhuman speed allowing him to quickly close the distance between him and Charlotte. He kicks things off by swinging both blades in a X shaped pattern. The cross slash is effortlessly blocked off by her lance. She easily parries his weapons and knocks him away. Taku slides back a bit as distance is created. "I've heard about your battle style. We've already got records on you and your weapons, which means you have nothing you can use against me." Charlotte gathers energy within her lance and shoots it out at him like a beam.

He raises both blades and uses them to protect himself from the incoming beam. It had enough force to completely destroy his Rakuza. Luckily for him, the beam dissipated before it could do damage to him. With his weapons now gone, he was defenseless. Charlotte takes advantage of this by rushing in and swinging her lance horizontally. The weapon slams into Taku's midsection and sends him crashing into a nearby abandoned building. Taku coughs out blood as Mizuki calls out to him with worry. "Tak-kun!" She then notices Charlotte heading towards her. "You're next, Hybrid-03." Mizuki trembles as small amounts of smog start to exude from her body in fear.

"K-Keep your hands.... off of Mizuki..." Taku says while staggering to his feet, wiping the blood from his face with his arm. "Haven't had enough? I'll make sure you're dead for good once I put her out of her misery. Just sit there and wait your tu..." Taku's fist collides with Charlotte's face, sending her rolling. He then stands in front of Mizuki as a means to protect her. "T-Tak-kun..." Mizuki looks at him with a tearful smile. The punch angered Charlotte, causing her to stand to her feet and begin gathering much more energy into her lance than she'd done before. "That was a good punch. I'll give you that. However... That is the last hit you'll ever lay on me or anyone else because I'm going to destroy you!" The ground begins to shake and the clouds start to gather. She was preparing a very powerful attack. One that would definitely kill both Taku and Mizuki.

"Heh... Bet you couldn't guess I was here, huh?" A crimson wave of energy slices into the woman's side which throws off her balance. Her lance is then knocked away by Tarou's sword as he proceeds to land on top of her, slamming into her with lots of force. This knocks the wind out of her. "Augh!!!" Now she was coughing up blood. "Y-You..... H-Hybrid-02..." Tarou smirks while getting off of her. "That's correct. You might as well get up and leave now. Your father isn't doing too hot back at the base." Charlotte was shocked to find out that her father, a Demon General, was defeated. "N-No way... H-He's Alfred the Wise... Y-You hybrids are.... on another level." Tarou crosses his arms. "Damn right we are. Now get outta here and help your old man. If you take too long, I'll just kill you right here. You're lucky I'm actually being nice today."

Charlotte slowly gets up, grabbing her weapon and beginning to make her way back to the base to tend to her father. Before she leaves, she looks back at them. "T-This isn't over, hybrids. As soon as our wounds are tended to, I will make sure I put an end to all three of you." She leaves, a small trail of blood following her. She makes it back to the base, albeit in pretty bad condition. Her father was being taken care of by nurses while others were taking care of the dead bodies. "Lots of casualties... I've failed as a Demon General. I couldn't stop any of the hybrids. Charlotte, I'm so-.." She puts a finger to her father's lips, a weak smile on her face. "You're not at fault, father. They were.. too strong. I too was defeated by them. If anyone is to blame, it's me. I let them get away...." She looks down, frowning and hating herself for not doing what was told of her. Though weak, Alfred rests his hand on top of Charlotte's head.

"There, there... You aren't at fault either, sweetheart. Once we're patched up, we'll find a way to stop those monsters from disrupting the peace of the human race." He gives her a reassuring smile while ruffling her hair. Charlotte giggles while shaking her head. "C-Come on, father... I'm not a little girl anymore." A soft laugh escapes his lips as he takes a step back. "I suppose you're right. You really have grown up. That's why... I've decided that I will be stepping down as Demon General of the Wise. I think it's about time that i pass that title onto you now." She was surprised by this, tearing up more than before. "There's no way I could do that now! You're still strong and capable of fighting!" She says in a worried tone.

"I understand what you're saying, but let's face it. I'm an old man now. I'm not nearly as strong as I was in my prime. It's time for you to take up the mantle and be the next Demon General. Charlotte, I now grant you the title of the Wise. From this day on, you'll be known as Charlotte the Wise. Wear that title with pride." He smiles at her. "Yes, father!" She bows to him.

Back at the rendezvous point, Taku was healing his wounds using the powers of the Uncontrolled. Tarou was leaning against a wall and waiting. "T-Tarou... It's been such a long time. Do you know how much I've missed you?" Mizuki was smiling at him. Tarou could only look away with his eyes averting her. "S-Save it, Mizuki. I don't need to hear your sappy words." Annoyed by his response, Mizuki puffs out her cheeks and pouts. Taku would make his way over to his fraternal twin brother and give him a silent gaze before speaking. "What the hell were you doing all this time? And why haven't you contacted me?"

"Relax, little bro. I had a lot to take care of. Other parts of the world are much more infested with Uncontrolled. I was searching their hives to find Mizuki. Why didn't you tell me you were with her?" Taku sighs. "I'd only found her just recently. It's only been a little less than a week now. We were looking for you anyway." Tarou rubs the back of his head. "Well... I'm here now. Got anything else you need to tell me?" Azure optics look towards the ground before laying upon Tarou once more. "I do need to ask this. Have you found a way to save humanity yet? That was your other plan." He shakes his head. "Not yet. I still need to search. My next destination is Russia. However... it won't be easy. They've got a really troublesome Demon General there, so it's not going to be a cakewalk."

Taku perks up. "Well, now that we're together we can take him on if he shows up." He pounds his fist into his palm, but Tarou places his hand on his shoulder. "Sorry, little bro, but.. This is something I'm taking care of on my own. For now, you should find a safe place to be. Maybe even do some training. I can tell you're out of practice." Taku clicks his tongue as he looks away. "I was captured by the AUA for a while before escaping...." Tarou raises a brow. "See? That's exactly what I mean. You need to train more. Anyway, I'll see you two around. I'm sure you'll know where to find me." Mizuki tries to grab Tarou's arm. "Tarou, wait!" As she reaches out to him, he creates a large cloud of smog and seemingly vanishes. Taku was angered by this, clenching his bandaged fists in anger. "Damn it..."

"Tak-kun..." She goes over to him and hugs him. The Sun was beginning to set and the day was coming to an end. The two find a safe spot to set up camp and plan for their next move. They found Tarou, but now they have to find a way to get to Russia. What will happen next? Only time will tell.

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