Volume 4 Chapter 23

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 35 years before the appearance of the smog, the appearance of the Uncontrolled, and the creation of the Anti Uncontrolled Army, a 22 year old Nathan Daniels was working as an aspiring archaeologist alongside his good friend Masaru Kusunoki, a man who not only loved history, but inventions as well. The two were colleagues who worked together to unveil the world's secrets. The other reasearchers and explorers who were with then were a bit doubtful of Nathan, who had just returned from war and was not a decorated veteran. To think a soldier had a passion for things like this was odd. However, he was well known and loved by many, so they were able to get along with him rather quickly. "Alright, team. Let's get moving." One of the archaeologists says as the group begin to explore the ruins deep within Central America.

"Watch your step." Nathan warns the others as he makes his way through the dark cavern. They been exploring and digging for a good week before noticing something deep inside. They end up finding a meteorite lodged within the earth. Many were confused and wondered when it'd landed on Earth. Could this perhaps be a meteorite that killed the dinosaurs? Dr. Kusunoki studied for a while, coming to a conclusion that the meteorite was here long before the time of the dinosaurs. "If my calculations are correct, this meteorite is trillions of years old. What I find odd is... why this was so close to the surface? Something like this should be much deeper." He rubs his chin in deep thought, not sure what to make of it. Nathan starts to slowly approach it, taking off a glove and placing his bare hand against it. "Wh-Whoa! Be careful, Daniels! Don't tamper with the meteorite!"

As Dr. Kusunoki says that, Nathan's eyes widen. Visions fill his head, showing him the past, present, and future. What he witnesses is the rise of ancient beings called Rafellions. They were humanoid beings with strange markings on their bodies. The smog they produced from their bodies allowed them to live on Earth since regular oxygen was bad for them. The smog counteracted the planet's natural air. These beings were able to heal any wound and lived for many years. It wasn't until the meteorite crashed into the Earth and wiped out every single Rafellion. Their DNA, for some reason, began to bond with the meteorite and became a way for them to keep their race from completely dying out. Millions of years later, the dinosaurs were the new beings that inhabited the planet. At times, the meteorite would activate, infecting dinosaurs and turning them into monsters.The monsters devoured other dinosaurs and even produced smog. The next meteorite would hit Earth and cause the dinosaurs to die out. From that point on, the meteorite lay dormant, only to awaken when a new race of beings inhabit the planet.

The meteorite ended up being found by humans who worshipped it like a god and had their entire civilization wiped out by the smog and the monsters that came from it. This would become an endless cycle for many years when it deems beings unworthy to live on this planet. After seeing it all, Nathan quickly lets go and falls back. He holds his head with a pained look on his face. "Are you okay?!" Dr. Kusunoki goes over to him and helps him up. "Y-Yeah.. I'm fine." He winces in pain, but tries to keep a positive look on his face. The others figure it'd be risky to mess with it and decide to leave it be for now. As they leave the cavern, Nathan couldn't help, but think about the meteorite. He knew all about the world now and wanted to know more. He wanted to see so much more. In fact, he admired these Rafellions, felt that their powers were akin to being a god. This interest slowly turned into obsession as Nathan finds a way to convince the others to bring it back to the United States for studying.

It originally stayed within Area 51, but was moved to Washington DC once Nathan had become the President of the United States. Using his power, he built a special basement under the White House which he used to house the meteorite and study it to his heart's content. "Yes... I finally have it all to myself. I won't let anyone else have it." Nathan stares at the meteorite with deranged face, unable to contain his excitement as he bursts into laughter. "Hahahahahaha!!!! This is all too perfect. Now tell me... Are you going to awaken again?" He touches it again, getting visions of the future, which shows the current human race dealing with the threat of those monsters and along with the smog. Some years after, the smog and Uncontrolled appear. Nathan knew this was most likely his fault for messing with it, but it was too late now. In order to save face and keep the public from learning too much, he creates the Anti Uncontrolled Army and weapons known as Divinity Arms to fight the monsters. He also creates barriers to protect the remaining countries.

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