Volume 4 Chapter 25

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"Here's the plan. I'm going to take his legs out. We need to immobilize him as soon as possible so that Taku and Tarou have a clear shot at the meteorite. Brynhild, I'll need you to set up some explosives in assistance to my own attacks. Charlotte, Madison, and Yato, I want you three to attack his arms. If he uses that weapon on us, it'll spell trouble." Tetsuo found it very easy to act as a leader for his fellow generals, able to dish out commands and have them follow suit without any issues. They all salute him before beginning their attack. He would then look at Shinku, who obviously wasn't someone he could give orders to, while raising a brow. "Alright, Mr. Assassin. What's your plan?"

Shinku's arms were crossed as he'd been pondering something for a moment, turning to look at Tetsuo. "It's simple. I'm going to aid the twins in their mission to destroy the meteor. I'll cut open a path for them to strike at just the right moment." He had a bit of worry about this, taking a few steps towards him until he was only a few feet away. "You don't mean to become a sacrifice in order for them to land the perfect strike, do you? If so... You're an idiot." Tetsuo turns his attention to Taku. "That boy... He's always got something up his sleeve. He always seems to know how to make a way out of no way. At first, I found it annoying, but with him fighting alongside me, I can tell he's special. He's got gifts no one else has. I think... No. I know Taku is going to make a change in this world. He had determined eyes and a will to fight like no other. That's... not the face of someone with evil or wicked intent. It's if someone who wants to protect the person he loves dearly. Him wanting to protect Mizuki is like my desire to protect my late sister. I'd do anything for her. Just like how he'd do anything for Mizuki. I... can trust someone like him."

"Heh... No worries. I'm not going to die so easily. Just think of it as me doing a risky and daring stunt. I'm going to stop that weapon of his." Tetsuo couldn't believe what he'd heard. Did Shinku plan to handle the weapon all on hown own? "That's crazy talk! You should help with his arms instead." He shakes his head before patting his shoulder. "As a super soldier, I have the power to do something others can't. I've also learned a lot about Rakuza weapons and I know I can destroy it. Just.. leave that to me. alright?" Shinku says, giving him a reassuring look. Tetsuo would then nod as he looks towards the others. "Alright, everyone! Let's go! The final battle awaits!" He charges in along with the others as they ready their weapons.

"Yahhhh!!!" Charlotte unleashes a powerful beam attack towards his free arm in hopes of destroying it. Yato makes an assist by launching large balls of fire at the arm that holds the hammer. He could see that his attacks weren't doing enough until a bunch of bullets collide with the arm. He looks at Madison, who smiles and winks at him. "I've got your back, sweetie!" He nods and smiles brightly at her. "Thanks, love! Take this!" He begins to shoot out even more fireballs in rapid succession along with Madison's bullets. "You.. little worms! How dare you attack me in such a manner! I shall have you squashed beneath my almighty Mjollnir!" He gathers lightning within the weapon and then swings it, ready to crush the two completely. Shinku leaps into the air and increases his dagger's vibration at an even higher frequency. "This divinity arms was created for the purpose of taking out monsters like you! I'll shatter your hammer to pieces!"

"Heh.. You feeble assassin! Come and try!" A large clanging sound could be heard echoing all throughout the city as Nathan's hammer collides with Shinku's dagger. Those who were hiding within the shelter could hear it and were worried that they'd be killed. Renee and Alfred reassure to everyone that things will be okay and the AUA will take care of everything. Mell finally wakes up, but was confused as to what had happened to him. He looks around and then looks at Mizuki who was holding him in her arms. "You're finally awake. That's a relief. I know things seem confusing right now, but know that you'll no longer have to fight or listen to that evil man anymore. He used me to create you and taught you that fighting is what your purpose is. Well... Not anymore. I.. I can be there for you from now on and raise you the right way." She giggles softly. "I mean.. In a way, I'm like your mother." Mell's eyes widen as he finally begins to speak. "Mo....ther....?" She tears up a bit and smiles, nodding to him. "That's right. I'm your mother. From here on out, allow me to protect you, okay?" Mell then nods to her, smiling back. With their new connection formed, she looks out the window in the direction where the battle was taking place. "Please be safe... Tak-kun..."

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