Volume 2 Chapter 14

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 Over the span of a few days, multiple airships had begun making their way towards the United States. Former President and now leader of the AUA, Nathan Daniels, made sure to give everyone enough time to prepare themselves for the upcoming meeting. He planned for all the demon generals and their subordinates to get together so that they discuss things. Airship after airship would make landings with each general heading into the base and to the meeting hall where the meeting would take place. The United Forces base was the largest of the four and had the biggest army of soldiers. Thanks to Nathan, the former White House was turned into a highly fortified base with the best defenses and protective measures to keep the citizens safe.

Within the large room sat a long table with many seats. Alfred, Charlotte, Tetsuo, Yato, Brynhild, one of his soldiers, Renee, and Madison were all in attendance and waiting for the one person who had yet to show up. "I wonder where the president is.." Yato looks around the room while scratching his head. Tetsuo looks at him while crossing his arms. "Mr. Nathan is always fashionably late. That's just how he does things." Alfred shook his head while letting out a soft sigh. "That man... Hard to believe he's our leader when he acts so unprofessional." Charlotte angrily pinches her father's arm. "F-Father! Mind your manners! That's no way to talk about our leader!"He winces and rubs his arm. "Stop picking on your old man like that!"

Nathan had finally arrived, softly chuckling as he heads towards his chair. A small child wearing a hooded coat stood next to him. The demon generals were only vaguely familiar with who the kid is and only assumed it was a child he was mentoring and training. "Ahaha... Sorry to keep you all waiting." He sits down and looks at them all with a serious face. "Let's get down to business, shall we? As you all know, every single one of us besides I have had a run in with the hybrid Uncontrolled. Would you all get things moving by explaining your encounters with them?" Tetsuo stood up first. "I'll start, sir. Things began 2 months ago when Hybrid-01 escaped our prison and rescued Hybrid-03 who we were just about to engage in combat. I ended up fighting with him, but underestimated his skill and was defeated by him....."

Yato also stood with him. "I-It's true, Mr. President! I was even knocked out by the hybrid before I could even react! He was really strong!" Charlotte was the third person to stand up, running over to Tetsuo and hugging him tightly. "Oh, my poor Tetsuo! He is right, though. I too didn't expect him to land such a powerful blow on me." Alfred clears his throat and stands up after the three took their seats. "My issue isn't with Hybrid-01, but the brother... Hybrid-02. He was next level, able to see through my traps and defeat me. No one has done that before." Brynhild decided it was his time to speak, taking the opportunity to piggyback off of what Alfred was saying. "That crimson eyed monster is definitely a threat. He was able to see through my plans and stop my new weapon as well. A true prodigy and the first to truly deal damage to me. Hy may a monster, but he's got a lot of talent."

Once he was done, Madison ends up slamming her hands upon the table. "The fact that you're praising them makes me sick to my stomach....." Renee looked worried. "Madison...." She looks at them all with a rage filled face. "If we want to talk about those dirty hybrids, then let's talk about Hybrid-01." The mention of Taku caused everyone to react. "The younger twin brother with the white hair and azure eyes? I heard he's even more of a threat than Hybrid-02." Says Brynhild, who hadn't seen him in action yet. "Look at what he did to Renee! N-Now.... She can't even walk anymore!" It was true. Renee was now in a wheelchair and needed assistance with many tasks. Tetsuo bangs his fist on the table. "That damn hybrid.... He's a real troublemaker. I still have to give him payback for the last time." Madison gives him a death stare. "No... That piece of shit is my target... I will avenge Renee by slaying him."

"I understand your anger, but leave it to me to kill him." Tetsuo had a serious look on his face. Madison had become even angrier at his words. "I told you it's going to be me. I... I owe it to Renee to end his life. As the next Demon General of the Swift, I want to prove to her that I can truly wear the title proudly." Tetsuo looks away and sighs, not sure how to respond to her. "Alright, alright. Settle down everyone. I understand the frustration that these hybrids are causing. However... There is someone I'd like to bring up. A third party." Nathan pops an image up onto the screen, showing Shinku.

"This person is known as Shinku. He isn't a soldier in the AUA and he isn't a hybrid, but he somehow knows how to control the Uncontrolled and even has a Divinity Arms. Apparently, his father was a scientist who studied us and the Uncontrolled and wanted to create an ultimate fighter. Someone capable of taking on any Uncontrolled and even opposing us. That fighter... is his son, Shinku. It seems he has been slaying powerful Uncontrolled before we can get to them and has also taken on our soldiers in one on one combat matches. None have been able to defeat him. I don't know what he is capable of, but we all should be wary of him."

Renee gently raises her hand. "Do we.... have some sort of plan to move forward? We all know that we have to do something about the hybrids, but... what do we do?" Nathan stands to his feet and crosses his arms. "I do. That is why I've brought you all here." He holds two fingers up. "It's a two part plan. One, we upgrade our weapons to do more damage and hold up against the weapons of the hybrids. Two, we form teams to take on one hybrid at a time. If we can overwhelm them with numbers, we'll have a better chance at taking them down." Brynhild rubs his chin. "So what you're saying is... we'll form teams at one of the bases and try to corner them when someone locates them?"

Nathan gives him a nod. "That's correct, General Syr. We'll have soldiers patrolling and looking out for the hybrids. If we spot them, we'll have two generals and subordinates each head to their location and pincer attack them." They all look to one another before coming to an agreement and nodding. "How will we know where they are?" Charlotte asks with a curious face, her brow raised. "It's easy. I have a feeling they won't be returning to Germany or Russia. If anything, they'll end up coming here or returning to their homeland of Japan." Tetsuo smirks and hits his fist against his palm. "Perfect. That's my home turf, so I'll handle it alongside Yato." Nathan agreed with this and smiles. "Sounds like a good plan. Ms. Madison, would you like to team up with General Hanesaka in Japan?" She nods excitedly and looks at Tetsuo with a determined face. "I'll do my best!"

"Good, good. As for who I'd like to stay here in the United States.... Brynhild and Charlotte. Alfred, you can head back home and hold down the fort in Germany. Brynhild, I believe your Stronghold of the Soviet are trained well enough to handle things back in Russia while you're here?" He chuckles. "Of course they are. They're my men, after all." Nathan was pleased by this meeting's outcome. "Well, it looks like things are decided. I will see to it that everyone's Divinity Arms are upgraded and ready to go for the upcoming fights. I wish you all luck and hope you do your best to protect and save humanity. You are all dismissed!" All of those that can stand get out of their seats and bow to their leader. In unison, they salute him. "Yes, sir!" With the meeting now over, everyone leaves the meeting room besides the hooded boy and Nathan. He walks over to the window and looks out of it to see the thriving citizens of what was left of the United States. "Things are moving forward just as planned. Don't you think so, Mell?" The little boy gives a silent nod. "However... That Shinku is going to prove to be quite a handful. In case we have to deal with him, you'll fight for me, right?" He once again nods as Nathan smirks. "Hehe... Good child. What would I do without you?" He pats the boy's back.

Meanwhile, Taku and Mizuki have finally returned to Japan, heading back to their previous hideout and using it to take time to rest and figure out their next move. Mizuki was getting some food ready for Taku. They only had canned food, but as long as Mizuki was around, Taku didn't mind it at all. After being served, they sit by the fire and eat dinner together. "So, Tak-kun... What will we do next?" He takes a few bites, but would then swallow before looking at her. "It's obvious that we need to find Tarou. I do believe he's back in Japan, but it won't be for long so we'll have to hurry. There's also Shinku and we still have to worry about the AUA. Both parties will be hunting down and we need to continue to be on the move in order to escape them." Mizuki was concerned. "Will we.. be okay?" He gently pets the top of her head, ruffling her brown hair. "Of course we will. Didn't I promise you that I'd never leave your side and always protect you?" She blushes and giggles. "Y-You did.. Thank you, Tak-kun." He lightly smiles and continues eating.

Tarou had finally made a full recovery and was ready to continue his quest to find a cure to save humanity. However... Shinku's and Taku's words echoed in his head, constantly reminding him that he needed to be stonger. To be better. "Damn those two... I'll show them... I'll prove to them both that I am stronger and will be a hero who saves everyone. Just you wait you two... I'm going to become this world's one an only savior." He gears up and gathers his things, saying his goodbyes to his old base as he begins to make his way to the United States. "The US is a pretty damn big country. I'm sure to find something there." The situation is shifting as the next phase begins!

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