Volume 1 Chapter 4

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 A multitude of airships begin to make their way towards the Japan branch of the AUA. They easily pass the barrier protecting the land of the rising sun and come to a landing at the base. Waiting outside was Tetsuo Hanesaka, though still bandaged up, was able to get up from his hospital bed and begin to move around. Many German soldiers begin to depart from the airships, only to be pushed out of the way by Charlotte Weber. She makes a beeline for Tetsuo with both arms extended outwards and ready for an embrace. The young man quickly dodges, but is taken aback by Charlotte's reaction speed as she turns upon her left foot and faces him.

"Tetsuo, my darling!" She pounces on him and begins to snuggle him tightly within her ample bosom. "Oh, how I've longed to hold in my arms like this! Do you know what it's like having to wait a whole month to do this?! It's simply terrifying!" Tetsuo's voice is muffled by her chest as he waves his arms up and down. After a bit of a struggle, he is finally able to pull away from her as he dusts himself off. "Look, Charlotte... We are high ranking generals of the Anti Uncontrolled Army. Tomfoolery such as this is ill needed." His words cause her to pout and flick his forehead. "Oh, hush! Pleasantries like these are crucial for maintaining a relationship between countries. Plus... I plan on having your babies one day and this is good practice." She looks away from him while crossing her arms in a huff.

Tetsuo's eyes widen after hearing that last sentence. "B-Babies!? Okay, Charlotte... Let's just move on from this topic and get down to business. Come with me to the conference room." He turns and starts to make his way back inside the base. Charlotte follows him with her hands behind her back while all the other soldiers were on standby. The two meet with Yato, who introduces himself to her before they go into the conference room. Once there, a large monitor turns on with the face of a man sitting in an office. This man was none other than Nathan Daniels, former US president and current leader of the AUA. He crosses his fingers and places his elbows onto his desk.

"Tetsuo, Yato, and Charlotte. I'm glad to have you all here for this meeting." The three salute their leader while standing straight. "Yes, sir!" They all say in unison. "As you are all aware, we were blindsided by Hybrid-01. If not for that monster... Things would be okay." Tetsuo looked away with a disappointed face. "Tetsuo the Strong, do not blame yourself for what happened. You fought the good fight and kept your subordinates safe. That's what matters. Now, you three are here along with the combined might of the German Alliance and the Imperial Army of Japan branches. Hybrid-01 is still out there and probably not far from here. I want you all to go search for him and take him out. With you three fighting together, I'm sure you'll succeed. However... Do not underestimate him. He is known to be able to defeat many soldiers on his own and fights on a level far above high tier Uncontrolled."

"As you wish, Sir. We'll do our best." The screen then turns off and they all look at one another. "Well, it looks like we have our mission, boys. Set up your soldiers. We're going on a Hybrid hunt." Charlotte smiles at them both. After everything was said and done, the AUA begin to get things ready. Soldiers were stationed outside of the large city, ready to fight at a moment's notice. Charlotte, Tetsuo, and Yato were looking for Taku and Mizuki, hoping they hadn't gotten far. Their weapons were at the ready in case any Uncontrolled show up.

Meanwhile, Taku and Mizuki took an alternative route to get close to the city. As expected, soldiers were all lying in wait. "Tch.. They knew we were coming, Mizuki. It's not going to be easy trying to get in. We're going to need a diversion. Haahhh..." Taku begins to exhale, black smog coming out of his mouth. The black smog starts to spread, filling the area around where the soldiers were. One soldier looks around, noticing the smog that was blanketing them. "Wh-What the hell is with all this smog?" As soon as the soldiers were shrouded, the growls of the Uncontrolled could be heard in the distance. Another soldier readies his weapons. "Shit! We've got incoming Uncontrolled! Eyes up, men!" They hardly had any time to prepare themselves as the soldiers were bombarded by Uncontrolled. A variety of them plagued the area; ranging from canine, primate, and winged Uncontrolled.

"This is our chance, Mizuki! Let's go!" He grabs her hand as she nods and follows along. The two begin to make their way through the smog as Taku brings forth one of his Rakuza blades and slices through any Uncontrolled that attempted to attack him and Mizuki. A soldier takes cover and uses his communication device to alert Charlotte of the Uncontrolled. "General Charlotte! We have an emergency! I repeat. We have an emergency! Thick smog showed up out of nowhere along with hordes of Uncontrolled! We need backup!" Charlotte clicks her tongue in annoyance. "We'll have to hold off on the hybrid search. We're heading back to base as soon as possible! Let's go, you two!" Tetsuo and Yato nod and follow her lead.

As soon as they make it back, they spring into action and begin to fight off the Uncontrolled. Tetsuo swings his katana multiple times, cutting the monstrosities down one by one. He swipes his blade to the side, causing the blood to remove itself and hit the ground. "Too easy." He says while glancing back at the corpses. Yato, slightly nervous, uses his gun to shoot them down. However... one of his shots misses and causes the Uncontrolled to lunge at him. He cowers in fear, but is quickly saved by a lance that pierces its skull. It was none other than Charlotte and her trusty lance that saved him. He sighs in relief and smiles at her. "Thank you, Ms. Weber." She giggles and pats his shoulder. "Just Charlotte is fine, little Yato." She continues to impale the Uncontrolled, tossing their bodies to the ground after slaying them.

While they all continue to fight, Taku and Mizuki sneak past the barrier that had long since gone off due to the attack of the Uncontrolled. Japanese citizens were warned to stay indoors while thre battle was going on, so streets were pretty clear. The two make it to the base and immediately notice more soldiers guarding the base. "We'll have to find a way to get to their launch pad. It's gotta be on the rooftop." He looks up at the base. Mizuki tugs his sleeve in concern. "How are we going to get up there, though?" Taku thinks for a moment before coming up with an idea. "I have an idea, but you'll have to hold onto me, okay?" She blushes and nods before wrapping her arms around him. He picks her up in a bridal style and begins to jump through nearby trees and onto the rooftops of other buildings.

Mizuki closes her eyes as she holds onto Taku tightly. Even though she knew she was going to be safe, she was still afraid to fall. After a few more leaps betwen buildings, they make it to the rooftop of the base. There were soldiers there, but Taku and Mizuki are able to sneak past them and into the cargo hold of one of the airships. They were lucky enough to sneak onto an airship that just so happened to be heading back to the German Alliance base. "Tak-kun, the ship is moving! Does that mean we're going to Germany?" Taku gives her a nod and a thumbs up. "Yeah. I'm sure it shouldn't take us too long to get there." He replies to her.

Meanwhile, the battle was coming to an end and the two demon generals along with Yato are able to take a rest. "That was a strange occurence. The smog here isn't normally that thick." Tetsuo says while sheathing his katana. Charlotte rests her spear against her shoulder. "Huh... I wonder... Hm?" She looks to see an airship leaving. "I guess they're taking supplies back to our base. Alright, you two. Let's head back to base. We'll continue the search the next day." The three along with the other soldiers make their way back after the battle. Little did they know, the two hybrids were leaving Japan and going to Germany. Who knows what awaits them in the new country?

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